Monday, November 8, 2021


 The second load of washing is in the machine, the first load already strung out on the line. The cat is asleep on the bed after providing a morning of affection, repeatedly. When he gives these cuddles, the look of bliss on his face is evident. Normally, I get one cuddle a day. This morning, he's provided me with six or seven. He's happy to be home. 

I'm glad I have today off. It's giving me time to process the weekend and allow some of the exhaustion to abate. There's a long list of things to do:

  • Cut my toenails (done)
  • See my trainer (2 p.m.)
  • Arrange a Mason's property association workshop
  • Go to editing class (6.30 p.m.)
  • Mop the floors
  • Provide my Nana's yo-yo recipe to Ash, our caterer on the retreat (Done)
  • Do the week's food shopping (After training - done)
  • Get some reading done (done)
  • Go to Bunnings and buy some cat grass (done)
I've also got the need to mentally unpack the weekend, which always needs to be done after these retreats. Catherine Deveny runs a transformative weekend, without trying in many ways. She facilitates the weekend, the rest of us help to make the magic. Maybe middle-aged, left-leaning, thoughtful women should meet en masse more often. 

Anyway, this is what I've come up with from this weekend. 

1) I need to be hugged more often. 

Yes, I know we're been through COVID, but there were lots of hugs and snuggles this weekend. I only see these people once or twice a year, but they give GREAT hugs. Like most people, I've got out of the habit of touching people, It was so nice to be around people how appeared genuinely pleased to see me and who happily hug and hug back. 

2) Time near and in water is a tonic

Walking barefoot along a pristine beach, allowing the sand to slough off the dead skin on my feet - I wish I could do this every day. And don't get me started about the joys of running naked into the Southern Ocean with a number of equally naked, like-minded lunatics which is one of the most liberating feelings in the world. I could have spent more time in the water. I wanted to stay there and howl at the sea for a bit longer. The water was bracing, but not overly cold. I felt beautiful. I felt strong. I felt completely at one with nature. 

There should be more of it. 

3) Sharing experiences about menopause is liberating

I was a couple of gin and tonics down by this stage. I might have pilfered half a cigarette. I had a wonderful chat with a 'young'n' about the joys of menopause. We don't talk enough about menopause. 
I extolled the virtues of HRT, and finding a decent doctor who will listen and offer alternative. I bemoaned the 'joys' of this time. The horrendous hot flushes, the screaming psychos, the lack of sleep, the fact you vagina turns into a vice, the itches, the not feeling like yourself... Young'n has a bit of a way to go. She's approaching 40. 

The young'n said nobody told her about this. 

The young'n was told to talk to her mother, and if things got strange, talk to her naturopath, or doctor.

This was my public service activity for the weekend. 

And somehow I was given the new porn name of Rusty Flaps. Not sure what to do with this. 

4) Setting targets and having an accountability monitor is a good thing

I gave myself the goal of writing 5000 words this weekend. It let Dev know this was going to be my goal She said she'd be my accountability monitor. 

By the end of Saturday, I had the words down. Then the questions came - should I write more? Should I extend the goal. My answer to that was no. I did get a few more words down, and I got my Furious Fiction entry out, but my goal for the weekend was reached and that was good. 

It felt good to achieve - but not overacheive. 

I have to remember this more often. 

5) The cat should be left with Blarney and Barney more often

Lucifer went to stay with his uncle and aunt while I was away. Although they were kind and loving with him, he was an absolute ingrate. He hid in the base of a recliner rocker for most of the weekend, occasionally coming out to eat and use the litter tray. 

When I turned up on Sunday night, Blarney said she might have to cut him out of the chair. Whenever she went near him, he hissed. She went to get the shears. I lay down in front of the chair, stuck my hand in, gave him a pat and told him to stop being a goose. He crept out after two minutes. 

On getting him home and giving him some dinner (They fed him well, but he went on a bit of a hunger strike - oh and Barney slept in his room with him one night, to keep him company - daft animal cuddled up behind his knees) he seemed to settle down. 

Today, I've been receiving regular cuddles. As in very regular smooches, cuddles, purrs... you name it, he's dished it out. I was sitting in my editing class. He jumped up for a cuddle on my shoulder. I was sitting on the toilet, he jumped up for a smooch (choice). As I had the day off, I had a lie in. He was all over me like a rash. 

Appears he missed me. 

6) I should give the link to the song of the day, not just the clip

This came from three people on the retreat. Why can I sing the song of the day? Seems not everybody can see them, depending on the mode in which they are viewing the blog. I'm still amazed people read my blog. 

Anyway, the song of the day will be liked in the hyperlink from now. Gotta keep the readers happy. 

Today's song

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