Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Fauxlore Part II

 Another Sunday, another set of questions, provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

It's a very social weekend for me. Off to a barbeque in a bit, so I best get on with this. 

16. Do you want any piercings?

No, I'm happy with just having my ears pierced. They were pierced twice, but the second set of holes appear to have closed over from lack of use. 

17. What’s your mouse pad look like?

I don't have a mouse pad. I use a notebook as my mouse pad when needed. 

18. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?

I read tarot to a professional level and have been to many tarot readers over the years - however, I don't go to psychics. They tend to freak me out. At least with tarot readers I know what is going on and how they operate. 

19. How do you identify spiritually (do you follow a religion, what do you think about soul/spirit, etc.)?

I can tell you what I'm not rather that what I am. I'm not a Christian, nor do I afflliate with any other major organised religion. However, I do believe in god, though I can't tell you what that is. I'm pretty spiritual. I also go to Kabbalah meditation once a fortnight. And there are Wiccan elements to my practices. And I'm a Freemason. So yeah, a Spiritual Agnostic is what I put on the forms when asked abut my religion. Or if that isn't an option, I put down no religion. 

20. Do you prefer your nails long or short?

I like my nails short-ish. That is my fingernails I like a nice plain mid-length. Too long and I can't type. Too short and you can't find the end of the sticky tape (cellotape/scotch tape). My toenails I like to keep very short. 

21. What are your favorite smells?

In no apparent order: 

  • Dog's paws in the morning
  • Cookie Man cookies when they are fresh out of the oven
  • Night blooming jasmine
  • Asphalt when it starts to rain on a really hot day
  • Quality perfume - currently wearing Juliette's Got a Gun's Not a Perfume. 
  • Clean, freshly washed men
  • Roast Lamb

22. Do you still use a radio or just use your phone/computer for music?

I don't own a radio - the only radio I listen to is the one in my car when I forget to bring my phone, which links in via Bluetooth and plays music and audiobooks. 

23. What kind of socks do you prefer to wear?

Most of my socks are ankle socks  or footlets which get worn when I wear my running shoes. I have some nice longer, cotton socks for when I wear boots. 

24. Do you have any family heirlooms?

Not really. I have my father's box brownie camera and the pewter tankard he was given for his 21st birthday. I also have Mum's engagement ring. She received another when she married my stepdad. I still think my grandmother's collander is a bit of a heirloom. We're not a heirloom kind of family. 

25. Are there any musicians you didn't like at first but grew on you?

Ah, I hate to say it, but I didn't like George Michael way back when, but I really like him now. Still not overly fond of Wham! and I'm actively avoiding shopping centres so I don't get #Whamageddon-ed, but George Michael is now great. If I don't like some music, I tend not to ever really like it. 

26. Is there anything you used to love but now dislike?

In no order: 

  • Bananas
  • Mark Latham - I voted for him 15 years ago, now he's a complete pillock.
  • Sweet wine
  • Chick Lit
  • Running. I wish I could run. I don't dislike running, but it really does my joints no favours.

27. Your favorite place to be aside from your home?

Movies theatres and the beach. Or just outside in the gardens around Melbourne. 

28. What is your favorite kind of tea?

I don't drink much tea, and when I do, it's the normal black tea - but I really like Earl Grey tea. And Lapsang Souchong, when you can find it. 

29. Any old home remedies you use when you're sick?

Flat Woodroofe's lemonade when you have a funny tummy is the best. And lemon, honey, hot water and an asprin for a cold helps a lot too. 

30. What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at?

It's normally set around mid-range. I don't like it too bright. 

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. I taught my students about Whamageddon! They loved the idea. I've been a George Michael fan since I first heard him sing--what an amazing voice.
