Thursday, January 6, 2022

I'm going to call it

Currently, Novak Djokovic is sitting in a holding room at Melbourne airport, waiting to see what happens next. Apparently he applied for the wrong visa to allow him to play at the Australian Open and he's been asked to leave the country. His arrival in Australia has been all over the news due to his stance on to being vaccinated for COVID (although allegedly he had a bout of it a while ago)

I'm going to call it. What's the bet he's back in the country by the weekend? Odds on, I reckon. 

As somebody who has about as much interest in tennis as I do in stock car racing, the Kardashians and the plight of Karl Stefanovic, I'm not at all interested in whether this guy plays at the Open. I really don't care. 

What I do care about is the fact that news time, better spent on other more pressing things (sic) is being spent on some rich, powerful, entitled dude, who's not complying with the country's vaccine stance, appearing to be able to flaunt the system. 

Sure, if you've got money, have a media presence and friends in high places around here, you can apparently do what you want. We see this all the time. 

Doesn't mean we have to like it. Doesn't mean it passes the pub test. 

Silly bloody wally should have got his paperwork right. 

I'll mark this. He'll be back in the country by the weekend. 

Today's song: 

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