Friday, January 14, 2022

Last night's dream

 I rarely dream. 

Yet last night, going to be exhausted, wiped out from the long work days and the heat and the humidity, I fell into bed  just before midnight, where the light went out immediately and sleep took me within minutes. 

The dream was vivid. 

I was in Sydney, on the Northern Beaches. I'd gone to his house to mind his cats, not that I'd ever go to his house, nor does he have cats. We weren't together in this dream, but things were amicable. 

The place partly reminded me of a resort, partly of a room we used to share at a hotel in Manly, the room facing Southward with a balcony that looked over at a street. We went around the house. Talking. I was looking for places to park my car, which I had found free parking on the street nearby. 

His apartment ws large. On the second or third floor - and we went looking for the cats, which we saw go outside. They were orange / tabby arrangements. His daughter appeared with curly bobbed hair - nothing like how she wears her hair. I had to go move my car.

Out the back of the apartment, it wasn't such a great scene - it felt run down, in a country town, slight neglect way, not in a bad people live here way. I tried to find my car. 

What got me most of all is that I so rarely dream, when the alarm went off at 6.30, I turned it straight off, put my head back on the pillow and went back to dreaming again. 

I keep thinking about this dream. Why was I dreaming about my ex and his non-existent cats? 

According to, my go to place for dream interpretation, dreaming of cats means,

"To see a cat in your dream symbolizes an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It also represents misfortune and bad luck. The dream symbol has different significance depending on whether you are a cat lover or not. 

To dream that you cannot find your cat highlights your independent spirit. You need to allow yourself to be free and not let anyone or anything hold you back."

Interesting stuff. 

Not so much about dreaming about the ex, but the cat thing. 

As I'm still knackered, and it's still humid, I'm wondering if the dream will return. 

I want to see if I go back there.  Just to see if the cats return.

Today's song:

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