Tuesday, January 11, 2022

No Shits Given - The Cards

 I bought a deck of cards just before Christmas. It had my name all over it.

It's a practical deck, not a tarot deck. It provides clean, unmitigated advice about life when you shuffle and draw a card. Some could see it as a bit wrong. A bit risque. 

Me, I like that it's straight talking. And after a very long, very fraught day at work, followed by a killer, but necessary Core class at the gym, followed by another meeting for the Masons at 8.p.m. (where I clearly stated I needed to be gone by nine p.m - which was respected). And after some time in my reading chair, nearly finishing my book, with the cat sitting in the windowsill behind me, I had a shuffle and pulled the following card. 


Give zero!

Perfect advice for today. 

So I give no shits that people will think less of me because I've put a Phil Collins song for song of the day. I like Phil Collins. I give zero shits that it destroys my street cred - not that I had much in the first place. I give zero shits that I'm overburdened at work. I'm doing what I can in the overly long days I'm working at the moment (doesn't help that I'm training and managing a team as well). 

So I'm giving zero shits for the rest of the day. 

I'm going to have a shower now and see if I can find A Room With A View on one of my streaming services. I give zero shits that people think I'm strange because I have always wanted to be like Lucy Honeychurch (from A Room With A View).

I'm just giving zero shits. 

Because I have no shits left to give. 

Today's song: 

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