Saturday, January 29, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Blabbermouth

 I'm going to break with tradition and do this on the Saturday. I'm actually at work (again) and I'm taking a break for a bit. Seems a good thing to do as I decide what to do next. 

Questions, as always, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. January usually has ample amounts of snowfall in parts of the world. Did you ever make snow cream as a kid?

Snow cream? I'm Australian. It's Summer in January. And it doesn't snow here - well, only in the hills and only for a day once or twice in a decade. So no. 

2. January is one of the months with 31 days. What are you going to do with that extra day?

At the moment, all I do is work - we're at the stupid end of a project. So I will use it for working this year. 

3. In medieval times superstition dictated that the 1st day of January was significant for prosperity, or lack of it, in a person's life. Farmers put a flat cake on the horns of a cow and they danced and sang songs around the cow until the cake was thrown to the ground. If it fell in front of the cow that meant good luck; it if fell behind the cow that meant bad luck for the rest of the year.

Do you have strange New Year customs in your household?

In a word, no. I do tend to go to the movies with a friend on New Year's Day. We just seem to do that most years to escape the heat. 

4. On January 14, 1986 motorists were required for the first time to wear seat belts? Do you always buckle up? Why or why not?

Yes, I always wear a seat belt. It's the law. It's been the law since the mid-seventies over here. It's also a $150 fine and 3 demerit points off your licence if you are caught not wearing one. Other than the safety aspects, it's too costly not to. 

5.. Have you ever blabbermouthed something to a significant other that in hindsight you really should have kept to yourself?

Never had a significant other, so never blabbermouthed something to them. And I'm pretty discreet with my friends. I know the value of keeping secrets. 

6. Have you ever written anything on your blog that you wish you could take back?

Not really. I've had one big issue once, but I took the blog down, used it as a major learning and been very careful ever since. I tend to write things that I would say to people's faces, and if people get offended by other content, then so be it. 

7. Are you the blabber or the blabbee? Tell us your most embarrassing blabbermouth moment.

I'm not really a blabbermouth. I talk, but I also listen. Not a relevant question. 

8. Who is the biggest blabbermouth tattletale in your household?

I live alone. Not a relevant question. 

9. You are the Blog Paparazzi! Which blogger's real photograph are you most interested in getting?

Sorry, don't have time for this today. 

10. If you could hire the loudest and most skilled blabbermouth in the universe to do your talking for you and advertise it well, what message would you like to spread to humanity?

For heaven's sake, be kind to one another. That's my message. 

11. Are you always on time or just a tad late?

I'm pretty much always five to ten minutes late. But I'm there on time for the important things. 

12. Is there someone in your life that irritates you regularly about not being on time?

Ah, yes, my kid brother. He's normally a little late, but we say he runs on Mumbai time...

13. Can you think of a time when you were late for something and it was REALLY a big deal?

I've missed a couple of flights because I've been held up in traffic (or drinking down in The Rocks in Sydney with friends) That could have been a really costly mistake. I managed to get home okay. But it was stressful at the time. 

14. If you were on your way to work and had five minutes to get there, would you stop in the road to rescue a crossing turtle?

Of course I would. Life over work always. 

15. Have you ever had to actually punch a time clock? 

Only once and that was at my first job in the eighties in a department store. That was the last time I punched in. Never again, I say. 

Today's song:


  1. I agree - be kind to one another!!

  2. It never occurred to me that it doesn't snow in Australia. Learn a new thing every day.
