Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Colbert's Questions

I do love me some Stephen Colbert, one of the great late night talk show hosts in America. I mean, he even loves the Violent Femmes, so he can't be bad - and these can't be bad questions. 

As usual, Bev at Sunday Stealing sourced the questions. 

 1. The Best sandwich

One of two. Give me a really good Reuben - like they do at Cafe D'Lish - Toasted rye bread, lots of pastrami, some sauerkraut, pickles, pink/Russian dressing - to die for! Then again, a good chicken schnitzel and coleslaw sandwich is great too. 

And yes, Hector's Deli's Mushie Melts are the absolute BOMB. 

Oh - and give me egg and mayonnaise, egg and lettuce or curried egg sandwiches any day. 

Or my friend Ruth's asparagus rolls - crustless white bread with a spear of tinned asparagus, mayonnaise and a bit of pepper - bliss. 

2.  Something you own that you really should throw out.

No so much throw out as sell on. I have a flute in my cupboard - have not played it in 30 years. It really should find a new loving home. 

3.  The scariest animal

Snakes - any snakes. They scare the hell out of me. 

4.  Apples or oranges


5.  Have you ever tried to get an autograph from someone?

No, I'm too shy for that. 

6.  What happens when you die?

Well first of all your body breaks down, you stop breathing, everything shuts off and somebody else has to clean up your mess. 

Oh, what happens with your soul? I subscribe to the Jewish/Hindu point of view that you're reabsorbed back into the ether only to come down again at some stage, whenever that may be. If you want to call the ether heaven, so be it. I like the thought of reincarnation. 

7.  Favorite Action movie

Okay, I like Bond films, but don't make me choose one. I love Marvel films, but don't make me choose just one. I like Tarantino, but which one? I love most of the Star Wars films - but again, don't make me say which one. 

So my favourite action films are:

  • Die Hard
  • V is for Vendetta
  • Fight Club

8.  Window or Aisle?

Window for the most part. Depends on where I am on the plane or if I'm in a rush. 

9.  Favorite smell

Dogs paws first thing in the morning. 

10.  Your most popular app on your phone.

Probably Instagram or Facebook, but there are a couple of games which get a bashing regularly. Oh, and the BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) app - I live in Melbourne. If you don't like the weather, wait half an hour. It keeps you ahead of the curve. 

11.  Least favorite smell.

One of the following: 

  • Corned beef cooking
  • Vomit
  • Obsession perfume (Gets right up my nose)
  • Urine soaked bums (and I know they can't help it but their stench is woeful)

12.  Cats or dogs?

Both - love them all. 

13.  If you can only listen to one song over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This: (The Pixies, Where is my Mind)

14.  What number am I thinking of? (I will answer honestly)


15.  The rest of your life in 5 words.

  • Loved
  • Happy
  • Surprising
  • Fun
  • Exciting
Well, we can wish. ...


  1. So, what you're telling us is that you really like all sandwiches!
    Yes, the snakes. Ugh. As Indiana Jones said, "Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?"
    I can't handle any perfumes or florals. A light fruity body spray is all my sinuses can handle.

  2. Now I want a sandwich! I do like oranges but can't eat them.

  3. I call the ether "stardust." Works for me.

  4. I do not like snakes either - shiver!! I have to ask -- what is a Hector's Deli's Mushie Melts? -- I'm thinking the sandwich has cheese and is maybe smushed down (pressed flat)?
