Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Luna Nina

 I do like these word association questions. I can get through them quickly, as I'm sick of sitting in front of a computer.

Questions supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing, as always.

 I say,......and you think... 

  You say Casino :: I think Royale. 

I also think a big waste of money. 

 You say Bone :: I think Machine.

A great Pixies song.

You say Painting :: I think The Wilton Diptych. Love this so much. Need to get to London to see it again. 

 You say Shocked :: I think Electricity. 

  You say Quieter :: I think Libraries.

I love our reading room at the State Library in Melbourne. See above. 

   You say Feed :: I think Me - and The Little Shop of Horrors. 

You say Song , I think 2. Song 2 by Blur. YEAH.

You say Glass, I think Philip.

You say Boat, I think travel.... and I get very excited. 

 You say Junk and I think Hong Kong. 

You say  Sheet and I think Music. 

 You say Knit and I think meetings. I knit and crochet when I'm working from home and have boring meetings to attend. 

You say Gift and I think horse. Still no idea what if gift horse is, but you must never look one in the mouth. 

Interestingly, I found this on  "Proverbs are 'short and expressive sayings, in common use, which are recognized as conveying some accepted truth or useful advice'. This example, also often expressed as 'never look a gift horse in the mouth', is as pertinent today as it ever was.

As horses develop they grow more teeth and their existing teeth begin to change shape and project further forward. Determining a horse's age from its teeth is a specialist task, but it can be done. This incidentally is also the source of another teeth/age related phrase - long in the tooth."

You say Small and think Mercies. 

Another strange old saying. 

 You say Title and I think Case.

Because half of my day is spent changing people's Titles on documents into the company standard title case. Joys of having some editing skills. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    Junk - Hong Kong - I should have thought of that too.

    Perhaps I spent too much time thinking about each one.

    Good answers.




  2. We have a match on "Feed Me, Seymore".

  3. Horse is a strange answer to "gift." It's amazing how our minds work sometimes!
