Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Well this is fun

What a difference 24 hours can make. 

24 hours ago I was quite happily working away at my desk here at home. 

Then last night we had book group and I felt rather meh. I fell asleep in front of zoom on the couch during book group. I don't do this very often, but I'm told I wasn't snoring. 

Book group ended about 9.30. Soon after my stomach was racked with pain the likes I've never felt. I could barely move. It was a strange pain - not like normal gastro, but it sat high up under my diaphragm and bloody awful. It went on for well over an hour during which time I managed to shower and get myself to bed. After throwing up and trying to get some anti-spasmodics and a bit of Mylanta down me I was hoping for a gentle night. 

Woke this morning, tummy a little tender, but feeling just dodgy. Headachy and a bit of a sore throat. 

Then the phone call came in. My parents went and got COVID tested after getting a notification from a place they were at over the weekend. 

Turns out both have COVID. 

Mum said they had gone for official testing yesterday after getting an inconclusive result on RATs. Straight away I went and got a couple of rapid antigen tests and gave myself one. It was negative. 

Thankfully, both have very mild symptoms. Mum's a bit stuffed up and my step-dad, who had a rotten cough while we were in Canberra, is now feeling normal. But both have COVID. Thankfully both are triple vaccinated and in good health in general.  May this be as bad as it gets for them. 

But now, with a headache and scratchy throat, best to get proper tested. 

So I'm having a sick day - because I feel dodgy and I can't cope with idiots. I've been to the PCR testing place - thankfully there was nobody in the queue so it was in and out in five minutes for the mandatory nose fucking. A trip through the McDonald's drive through for a large almond decaf latte and I'm now waiting for my results. 

I spend three days with my parents over the weekend - as well as half my cousins. 

Like this is fun. 

Here's hoping for the best. At the moment I have the following things on this weekend:
  • A play on Friday night
  • Dinner on Friday night
  • Meditation (mind you, that's on zoom)
  • Getting a bit of laser done
  • A massage
  • My hair is getting cut and coloured
  • A film in the evening
  • And a full day's work on Sunday
Yeah - COVID. That's just what I need at the moment.

Here's hoping the test comes back negative.

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