Friday, March 25, 2022

Hell is the United Australia Party

What have we, as a collective society, done to deserve the barrage of awful advertisements on the television brought to us by the United Australia Party?


I've just had a look at their website. (Yes, I am procrastinating that much - have a big re-write to do - and I don't want to do it). Oh my. 

Remind you of anybody?

Seriously... It's everything out of the Trump playbook. 

And the Palmer United Party (AKA PUP) was a complete PUP. I will say that about the only good thing to come out of it was Jacqui Lambie - who lover her or hate her, has turned into a reasonable senator. 

I keep questioning where this inept Trumpian horror sketch is coming from. I mean, Clive Palmer, the fat fuck, the one term House of Representatives member for Fairfax, who was rarely in the chamber, and when he was there he was asleep. If anything an LNP stooge. This is the guy who closes down a mine but won't pay his workers there entitlements and all sorts of other dodgy practices

Really - you want that guy leading the country? 

Looking around the website further, you find that there is a lot of Anti-Vax fluffery around there. 

Looking at their policies, they appear to be pro-nuclear, anti-vax, anti-cooperation (like abolishing the National Council - which yes, is not something we've had before, but I think I like that the heads of each state, who all did a lot of the heavy lifting over COVID, at least talk). Oh, there's nothing about the environment, schools or hospitals, but a lot about mining. 


Then there's the song. Which appears to be written by a group of year nines on music camp. Roool good it is. Have a listen

Being, completely honest, the more I see this drivel, the more I ponder where they will go on my ballot in May - last, or second last under the LNP.

They really aren't doing themselves any favours. 

If anything, this horror story of a political party is there as a warning about where we could go if we don't take care. 

Today's song: 

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