Wednesday, March 16, 2022


 Despite the glumness of the last few days, the doctor's appointments, the overwhelming amount of work and everything else which is going on at the moment, I've managed to score a ticket to Hamilton tonight. 

There are a few caveats on this - that's I'm finished with the surgeon by then being one of them (seeing him at 5.30 - but you know what doctors can be like). My neighbour is feeding Lucifer - got that arranged - and yes, I feel a bit bad about the fact I've left him all day as I've been in the office. 

But I've scored a ticket to Hamilton - which is a good thing. A friends's mate has what she refers to as "the spicy flu". Bad luck for them. Good luck for me. 


Something unexpected. Something which is nice in the scheme of things. 

I'm now off to see the surgeon.

Wish me luck. 

Today's song:

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