Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Questions to ask friends

 We have a long weekend here and the weather is lovely, so I'm not sure why I'm here writing this. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What emotion do you experience the most?

I swing between boredom and contentment, with a bit of anger thrown in for good measure. Call it being a middle aged woman. 

2. What embarrasses you most in front of other people?

I'm very good at putting my foot in my mouth. That or spilling food down my front. I'm very good at the latter. 

3. What do you love most about yourself?

I am unfailingly kind. I think this is a good trait. 

4. Who has influenced you the most?

This might seem a bit strange to say, but my old tarot teacher has had a huge impact on my life. She's made me question things I never thought to question, introduced me to a therapist who helped me turn my life around, and is a wonderful friend. 

5. What would you like to change about yourself?

I'd love to be two inches taller and 30 kilograms lighter. I'm working on the latter. 

6. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Write, walk, read and swim. 

7. If you had the option of adopting a baby fox of baby koala, which would it be?

A baby fox. Koalas have a tendency to piss on you. And Baby foxes are just plain cute.

8. If you had to be on a reality show, which would it be?

Married at First Sight. But I'm not their type and I don't have enough Instagram followers to go on that show. 

9. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

One of the following if I had the money: 

  • London
  • New York
  • Boston (LOVE Boston)
  • Ubud in Bali
  • Mykonos in Greece
  • A lovely village in France so I could get my French back

10. How many bones have you broken?

Just one - my little toe, which I collected on a door frame. It was six weeks of limping hell and not wearing shoes. 

11. What do you fear about getting older?

The illnesses and injuries which never seem to go away. They seem to get worse as you get older. 

12. How do you relieve stress?

Walk, go see a movie, shout at things. 

13. Are your feet the same size?


14. 100 kittens or 3 baby sloths?

100 kittens. Yes, please, 100 kittens. 

15. What do you want more than anything else in life?

100 kittens would be great, thank you. 

Today's song: 


  1. My only bone has been a toe, too. I broke the big toe and it was painful!!

  2. #1. And a (late) middle-aged bloke too. I agree.

    #7. The koala I held stank of piss too. It was good to hold it but I was pelased to get rid of it.




  3. I love Boston too. My trip there with my Mom last summer was one of the highlights of my life. It was really cool to experience Boston through HER eyes....she and my Dad went there a lot when they were dating and in the early years of her marriage. They lived about 40 miles away.

  4. oh I like your answers a lot. I also like Boston very much, and the people there.

  5. I would hate to deal with Boston traffic all the time, though.

    I'm with you on Married At First Sight--I'm not their typical choice.

    I had never heard Today's Song.
