Friday, March 11, 2022

The Long Weekend

 In my life, I cannot ever remember going away for a long weekend. Jonella does it all the time, heading off hear and there, whether it be to visit friends or go somewhere new. 

Okay, actually I lie, I've been away for long weekends, but I tend to go home to Adelaide for the time - and I don't see this as really going away. 

I mean going away where you rent a holiday home, or fly somewhere for the weekend, or go camping (shudder). I don't do that sort of stuff on long weekends. 

And yes, this weekend I will be working some if uit - getting some stuff done that I need to do when I'm not being interrupted (and I get paid for). I'll also see a couple of films, start a book, do some writing and relax - all around home. 

Maybe going away for the long weekend is something I need to put on the bucket list. 

In the meantime, we have Lloyd Cole to keep me company. 

Today's song: 

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