Saturday, April 2, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Bun Toting Librarian

I'm going to mix this up a bit and submit this on Saturday. I saw another film tonight and I need to mull it over. I also slipped and fell on a travelator on the way to this film  - a combination of Converse runners and a wet floor making me take a tumble on the travelator. Not my finest moment and I twisted my knee. Thankfully it's moving and weight bearing, but it is sore. So I'm sitting here with a bag of peas on it, hoping it fixes quickly.

Anyway, here are this weekend's questions, brought to you by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.    When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

Oh, my eyes are getting a bit baggy. Oh well. That's getting older for you.  

2.    What shirt are you wearing?

I'm currently wearing a black t-shirt which reads "In my defense I was left unsupervised." It is one of my favourite t-shirts (Along with my Jason Mraz pink t-shirt with the word Geek on it, my over washed black t-shirt which reads "the beatings will continue until morale improves", the one which reads "See You Next Tuesday" and another which says "Hell was boring."  

3.    Do you label yourself?

I did label myself as fat, ugly and stupid for many years. If I was to label myself now it is more along the lines of kind, sort of funny and rather odd. I like the last three adjectives, because I am kind, I am sorta funny and I am rather odd, but in a good way. 

4.    What does your watch look like?

I have an Apple Watch, currently with a Mickey Mouse face. I've also put a leather strap on it as I don't like metal bands and the latex / plastic ones give me a rash. 

5.    What were you doing at midnight last night?

I was just about to go to bed before doing the Wordle, the Worldle2 and the Worldle. I like all three and I like getting them done before going to sleep. 

6.    Last furry thing you touched?

My cat, Lucifer. About five minutes ago. Give him a kiss on the head too. 

7.    Favourite age you have been so far?

I really liked 40. So many possibilities, so little bullshit. 

8.    What is your current desktop picture?

This. I'm boring.

9.    If you had to choose between $1,000,000 or to be able to fly what would it be?

At the moment, I'd like the million dollars. I might be able to afford a house outright with that sort of money. 

10.  The last song you listened to?

I've been getting excited about the Pixies concert in December, so I've been listening to Surfer Rosa again. The last thing I listened to was Vamos.

11.  What time of day were you born?

2.30 in the afternoon. 

12.  Where did you live in 1987?

I was living at Lincoln College, a residential college attached to the University of Adelaide, in North Adelaide for that year. 

13.  What do you do when vending machines steal your money?

Normally hit the machine quite violently, then go off in a huff. Or feed the same money in again hoping I'll get two lots of the product required. But you have to hit the machine and yell at it. Because it's what you do.

14.  Would you move for the person you loved?

Maybe. To some great city. Yes. For the equivalent of Bumfuck, Nebraska, maybe not. it would depend on a lot of things. And whether my cat could come too. 

15.  Name three things that you have on you at all times?

  • My house and car keys.
  • My phone
  • My wallet

16.  What’s your favourite town/city?

Oh don't do this to me. Here are my favourite cities by continent:

  • London, Great Britain
  • Boston, USA
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Wellington, New Zealand
  • Toledo, Spain
With special mentions to Athens, Greece, Paris, France, Rome, Italy, York in the UK, New York, USA, and of course Adelaide. 

17.  What was the last thing you paid for with cash?

I think I paid for dinner last week with cash - well, gave my end to a friend who way paying on their credit card. 

18.  When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?

Strangely enough, I posted three letters for the property association to members the other day. But actually writing a real letter? I can't remember. It's been years. 

19.  The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear?

I got dressed up on Wednesday for a friend's book launch. I wore a black dress emblazoned with red cherries, kitten heels, make up, red lippy, tousled up my curls and went for it. It went down well. 

20.  Does anything hurt on your body right now?'

The area around my gall bladder is aching a bit, but nothing too bad. It's coming out in a few weeks.

Today's Song: 


  1. I play wordle every night too. Have you tried antiwordle?

  2. #2 - "In my defense I was left unsupervised." A mate of mine has a similar T-shirt. Love it.

    #16 - Been to Boston, London, Paris and York - all great cities.




  3. I hope your gallbladder surgery goes as smoothly as possible. I expected the worst-case scenario for mine but it was a piece of cake!

  4. I *LOVE* your T-shirts, and need all of them :)
