Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Bricking it. Better now.

7.15 am: I am about to catch an Uber to take me to the hospital. 

I am bricking it. But I will be fine. 

6.15 pm:

In dot points.
  • Things went very well. Textbook.
  • They are lovely here.
  • I wish they’d take out this fucking cannula.
  • I’m up and about, albeit slowly.
  • I’ve got a lovely roomy named Gail.
  • I’m very sore, but that’s to be expected and Panadol is taking the edge off things.
  • Lucifer is sitting in Blarney’s cupboard. 
  • I’ll join Lucifer at Blarney’s place tomorrow.
  • Things always feel better once you have your pyjamas on.
  • All is as it should be.
Relax and watch telly now.

Today’s song:

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