Tuesday, May 3, 2022


I had a conversation with a workmate yesterday about jewellery, which is a bit strange as generally, I don't wear much of it and don't have any interest in it. There's a silver ring on my left hand middle finger, given to me as a leaving present over 15 years ago. There's a silver ring with a garnet on my right hand ring finger. I bought that in Bali about 12 years ago. Neither ring comes off at the moment. 

I wear an AppleWatch on my left hand wrist. On my right hand, I'll often wear a couple of Pandora beads on a leather thong around my wrist. I rarely wear necklaces. They drive me nuts. 

My workmate was visiting a jeweler to have her wedding ring remodeled. It's a very nice wedding ring as it is, but she wanted some things to be done to it. 

"I've been meaning to do something like that one day."


"I have my mother's engagement rings. They've been sitting in a drawer for many years."

"Why don't you do something with them?"

"And that is the looming question."


Yes, that is a good question. 

Well, first up, it's strange having somebody else's rings. These were my mother's. Dad gave them to Mum way back in the 60's. The stone is a green sapphire, surrounded by lots of little diamonds. Strangely, the green sapphire matches my eyes. But the setting is old fashioned. And the rings currently only fit on my pinky. I've got a very good habit of losing pinky rings. I also only wear silver - I'm not a wearer of gold. 

Secondly, there's the karma thing. I'm not sure I like the thought of wearing rings which were a part of a failed marriage. Saying that, my father has been dead 25 years and mum has been remarried for 30 years. But still, there is the karma element. I might have to have a shaman bless the stones or something. 

And of course there is the cost. If you've never really bought real jewellery, you have no idea of the costs. And anything I like is probably going to be stupidly expensive, seeing I'd have to have a complete reset. I mean, something like the following I'd wear - in white gold of course. 

Yet, when it all comes down to it, it's not something I've every really thought about, this wearing of rings with precious materials. Maybe I've been a stirling silver woman for far too long.

It's all down to what can be done, and how much it's going to cost. 

And I still don't know if I can go and spend a large amount of money on something like this. A holiday, a car - yes. A ring. Hmmm. 

I'll get the valuation done and start from there. 

Today's song: 

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