Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From 5000 Questions

 Well, I've woken up to a new Australia. For those who are not in Australia, we had an election yesterday, where the nearly ten years old conservative (think Republicans or Tories) were summarially voted out, and in it's place, a currently minority government of the Labor Party and a lot of Greens and Independents. And it feels VERY good. Also winning, a lot of women are coming into the parliament - and this too is a great thing. The new Prime Minister has been in Parliament for around 25 years. Brought up by a single Mum on a disability pension in housing commission flats, he was the first member of his family to go to university. He's a good bloke - I've always liked him. I'm looking forward to a kinder, more consutlative, less combative parliament. Well, I live in hope. 

Australia feels like a better place this morning. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Who do you take for granted?

I really try not to take anybody for granted. More often than not, I take it for granted that my friends will be there no matter what. But I really try hard not to use people. 

2. Short, knee, or ankle skirts?

Strangely, I wear all three. I have the legs to carry off short skirts, I like mid length skirts and I like long skirts as they cover a multitude of sins. It depends on the day. 

3. Do you wear a hat?

Sometimes. I often wear a baseball cap when I'm walking and I've just bought myself a fedora. I look good in hats as a rule. 

4. Who's your favorite cartoon character?

Jessica Rabbit. I also like Hong Kong Phoeey and I was partial to the original X-Men cartoons that used to be on the telly on Saturday mornings. 

5. Does break dancing impress you?

Not particularly. It looks a great way to get yourself to a chiropractor. 

6. Are you a miracle?

I think I'm an everyday miracle just like the other 7 billion people on the planet. 

7. Have you ever eaten tofu?

Hell yes. I really like tofu - particularly silken tofu done well, like the silken tofu they do at Red Spice Road - it is amazing. The trick with tofu is making sure it's flavoured well. 

8. Does the moon have an effect on your mood?

Yes. I'm very aware of what the moon is doing. Less so now that I no longer menstruate, but yes, I know all about the moon and it's phases. Joys of being a witch. 

9. Many people will say that the Harry Potter books are pure fluff with no literary value. Do you agree?

Nope. Any books which get people reading is a good thing. Although not high literature, JK Rowling is incredibly detailed and is fantastic at world building and characters. Good on her I say. 

10. What are you doing next Wednesday?

This coming Wednesday will be my last day of sick leave. I'll be at home. I might be seeing a building consultant about the temple and I have an appointment with my surgeon late in the afternoon. 

11. Why do so many people think Elvis is still alive?

I have no idea why. Elvis would be in his early eighties now if he didn't kick th bucket - with his penchant for drugs and bad food, how could he still be alive - then again, Keith Richards is still going...

I think people just like to hang onto hope considering there are no photos of the body. 

12. Are your hands cold?

Generally, my hands are warm. 

13. Have you ever given blood?

Yes, and I will be giving blood in the future again, not the Australian Blood Bank has lifted the ban on people donating blood who lived in the UK for more than six months between 1980 and 1996. I haven't been allowed to give blood in 22 years. 

14. What SCI-fi books do you read?

I don't really read Sci-Fi - some literary speculative fiction, but not real Sci-Fi - though I'm told I should try Ursula Le Guin and Ray Bradbury. It's not really my cup of tea. 

15. Have you ever belonged to a sorority or a fraternity?

No. It's a thing in Australia. 

Today's song:  (in homage to yesterday's election)


  1. She's not bad; she's just drawn that way...

  2. Hi Pand,

    Your election results have made the news up north too and it sounds encouraging. Can we now get Brits to turf out the bunch of shitheads we have running our country now, please?

    I had a fedora once; I lost in on a boat trip (a gust of wind took it off my head and it was last seen floating towards mainland Greece).




  3. I'm glad the election turnover was to your liking. Ursula Le Guinn would be worth your time. You might also like Tamora Pierce, though she's more fantasy. But maybe you're not differentiating between the two, I don't know. Le Guinn is also fantasy. Bradbury is definitely more SF, and everyone should read Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy just because.

  4. There was one photo of dead Elvis. I cut a photo of him in his coffin out of the newspaper and hung it on the refrigerator. My mom freaked and the photo came down.
