Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Hodgepodge

 It's another Sunday. All is well. I'm recovering well from that surgery - a lot better than I thought. I'm up and about. Still a bit sore in places, but nothing that a bit of Panadol can't fix. I've got another week off work, which I'm looking forward to. Yay. 

As I'm doing really well, on my list of things to complete in the next week include: 

  • Reading 200 pages a day
  • Writing 1000 words a day
  • Seeing a couple of movies
  • Maybe knocking off a couple of those must see movies off the list (The Godfather being one of those films)
  • And relaxing for the first time in six months.
Well, that is the plan. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

 1. Where do you get your news these days?

Normally, news comes from online from either The Age, The Guardian and the New York Times. I do have the television news on regularly - normally the ABC or Channel 9. Never Murdoch and never Sky (Americans, think Fox News) as that isn't news. Reading Murdoch rags makes me feel dirty and I don't like propaganda./ 

2. Do you like crab meat? What makes you crabby?

I do like crab meat, but I very rarely have it. All sorts of things make me crabby. I'm a middle aged woman. 

3. Does freedom mean more choices? Have you ever felt there were too many choices? Elaborate.

With freedom comes great responsibility. I think with freedom you have fewer choices as you have to work hard to maintain that freedom. 

4. Barbara Millicent Roberts was introduced to the world on March 9, 1959...that's Barbie to most of us. Did you have Barbies as a kid, or did you let your own children play with Barbies? What well known Barbara (living or not) would you most like to meet?

I used to have a Barbie as a child. I used to play with Barbies. Little girls around the world appear to still want to play with Barbie dolls. I don't have kids so I don't have an opinion about whether childred should play with them. 

5. What are three things you value most in another person?

  • Kindness
  • Loyalty
  • A sense of humour

6. How would you define “old.”  At what age is a person old?

Old is a state of mind. You can be old when you're young. I don't think it's a definable thing. 

7. A place you’ve been that’s “old.”  Tell us something about your visit there.

Westminster Abbey in London. It's been there since 1066 - longer even. There is so much history in the place. It's, in may ways, living history. I love that Royal Peculiar. 

8. Something you miss about the “good old days.”  When were they?

Cleaner air and well defined seasons. The seasons run into each other now - particularly winter. 

9. In what way are you a 'chip off the old block'? Or if you'd rather, in what way is your child a 'chip off the old block'?

I don't think I'm a chip of the old block, unless you count I inhereted my father's bakery gene - I can hunt out a decent bakery anywhere. 

10. Old fashioned, Old Testament, old timer, same old same old, old glory, good old boy, old wives tale...choose an 'old' phrase that relates to something in your life or the wider world currently and explain.

I'm a bit old fashioned in my politics. I'm a left winger who believes in voting for your representative, not just the party. 

11. July 5th is National Hawaii Day...have you ever been to Hawaii? Any desire to visit or make a return trip? Pineapple, mango, or guava...what's your pleasure?

Never been to Hawaii. I don't really have any desire to go there as there are a lot of other places which interest me more. 

12. Last time you were 'thrown in at the deep end'? Explain.

I was made the team leader of my team when the last one was sacked. This was really being thrown in the deep end. I still don't think I'm a good leader. 

13. Sun, sea, sand, salt...your favorite when it comes to summer?

Air conditioning. I'm not a fan of summer. Prefer winter - but I do like balmy nights spent at an outdoor bar. 

14. Bury your head in the sand, the sands of time, draw a line in the sand, pound sand, shifting sands...pick one and tell us how the phrase currently relates to your life in some way.

Draw a line in the sand. Now I no longer possess a gall bladder, I have no excuse to keep to my lifestyle change. I'm feeling good - now I want to feel better. 

15. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = make your own rules and 10=like a warden), how strict were your parents? If you're a parent where on the scale do you land? 

About a 6. I'm not a parent so I can't comment about my parenting style. 

Today's song: 


  1. I hope your gallbladder recovery continues to go smoothly. I love that Fleetwood Mac song!

  2. clearer air, for sure.
    continue to feel better!
