Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Gentle Art of Saying No Thank You

 I've started the gentle hunt for another job, seeing that my current contract is up in six weeks. It's what you do as a contractor. 

Last week, I applied for a role for which I had been contacted. My CV was updated, I asked a few questions, contacted my referees and made it abundantly clear that I was not available until early July. They said that should work.

Early this afternoon I received another call from an agency I've used in the past. Would I be interested in a job. 

The woman on the other end of the phone asked a few questions, and then mentioned they were looking for somebody to work at a gaming company. 

I stopped her there. And then I explained that my ethics won't allow me to work for a gaming company. Gaming and Mining are the two industries I don't want to work for. Gaming ruins people's lives. Mining ruins the environment. I don't want to be part of that. 

The woman continued that the company was looking for somebody to work with their HR department. 

I'm still not interested, but I thanked her for thinking of me and said that if she had any opportunities outside of gambling or mining, please look me up. 

There will be other opportunities. 

I know I'm what's been described as a 'corporate maggot'. I've always worked for large corporates - banks, insurance companies, telcos and utilities. I know how to navigate corporates. I'm not dealing with customers (oh, that could get ugly), and it could be argued that these companies all gamble in their own way, and are all holding up some of these bad for the community and environment corporations - but they're not at the coal face (pardon the pun). They provide an honest day's work on a good wage and you're not forced to do anything illegal.

Gaming and mining just don't cut it for me. 

I think that's fair. Besides, I'm not in a hurry to find a new job - this is all a part of the process. They may extend me where I am - but then again they may not. 

It just felt good to say no thank you and not feel bad about it. 

Today's song: 

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