Friday, May 20, 2022

The No-Dishes Day

 There should be more days like this. 

I met up with one of my Master's mates for breakfast this morning. It was a later breakfast. He's doing a PhD so he can be a bit flexible. I'm on medical leave on until Thursday. If I wasn't signed off I could be at work, but phah, I'm using ever hour of this medical leave to my advantage. 

I walked down to the cafe. 

We caught up properly. He's looking great. We had some of the most delicious mushrooms on toast that can be imagined (Three Bags Full cafe is the best). My almond decaf latte came with a flower pattern - almost impossible to do with almond milk.

I walked back home. 

A couple of hours later I walked to a pub on Bridge Road and caught up with an old work mate. 

We both had a small serve of fish and chips for lunch while we talked about all sorts of things. I've missed this fellow. We talk music and film a lot. We caught up. 

I had a glass of the most lovely violet gin and tonic - 23rd Street Gin from Renmark in South Australia. Garnished with a slice of orange. It was most lovely. I might have to hunt down a bottle of this remarkable gin. 

And I walked home after that. 

So I got an hour of walking in - very pleased about this. 

Then I met Jay for dinner at Vic Gardens where we tried out the new Japaneses and Singaporean place (well worth it).

All washed down with a choc top at the movies - which I will write about tomorrow. 

In all it was a very successful no-dishes day. 

There should be more of them. 

Also, as you can see, I'm recovering well from the surgery. I've a bit of a keloid scar at one of my would sites - it's not hurting or herniated, so all is well. And ten days on I can walk for an hour without stress. Yet I'm longing to get back in the gym - and I'm wanting more than anything to do some sit ups - which are strictly forbidden. But all is very well.

Anyway, after all that food, I think I should be off to bed.

Today's song: 

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