Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From the book, 'If..."

 Another quiet weekend. When talking about COVID the other day, and I mentioned I haven't had it (yet - though had a close call this week). But a quiet weekend is what was needed, even if I did get over my hatred of Carlton to go to a movie  - but more on that tomorrow. 

Anyway, here goes this week's questions, courtesy of Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.  If you were to be granted one wish, what would it be?

<rant> World peace would be good. Maybe, in America, they legislate that all women have the right to safe, legal abortions, without fear of anybody in the process having any recriminations. That would be a good start. Coming from a country where abortion is legal and available for those who wish to obtain these services, we look at the repealling of Roe vs Wade and just shake our heads. How can religion be so entrenched in politics that this is allowed to happen? Why don't American women have autonomy over their own bodies? Why is it easier to get your hands on a gun, but women can't make a choice over what happens with their bodies? The world is weeping for American women at the moment. And look what happened in Poland when they took abortion rights away? Don't people vote over there? /<rant>.

2.  If you could spend one night alone with anyone in the world who is currently alive, whom would you select?

I don't think I can answer that. I've wracked my brains for the last hour and can't come up with anbybody worth. A good friend, some decent dinner and a coupleof gin and tonics would go down fine, but I'm not drawn to naming anybody at the moment. Okay, Clive Owen or Matthew Goode at a push. 

3.  If you could spend one night alone with anyone in history, whom would you choose?

One of the following:

  1. William Shakespeare
  2. Gough Whitlam ( Ex-Prime Minister of Australia)
  3. Don Dunstan (Ex Premier of South Australia)
  4. Anthony Bourdain - but he has to cook. 

4.  If you could physically transport yourself to any place in the world at this moment, where would you go?

Probably to London, to a play of some description. If nbt there, then somewhere in Spain. I love Spain.

5.  If you could have lived through any war in history (without actually fighting in it), which would it be?

I hate the thought of living through any war - but World War II in Western Europe would be my go to. I read so much about World War II - and I have no idea why, other than I find it facinating. 

6.  If you could eliminate one type of insect permanently from the earth, what would you get rid of?

Huntsman Spiders. Not that they are really insects, but I hate the fuckers. 

7.  If you had to eliminate any single type of animal forever, which would you choose?

Snakes. Nuff said. Up there with huntsman spiders in the ick factor. 

8.  If you could have an elegant dinner alone with anyone presently alive, whether you know them or not, who would you want it to be?

Oh I don't know about this one either. I'm bound to spill food down my front. However, if he's cooking, Heston Blumethal would be a good person to have dinner with, if he's cooking. Or Nigella Lawson - but they are very different cooks. 

9.  If you could alter one physical characteristic of your mate, what would it be?

I don't have a mate so I can't alter anything about them. And the last one I wouldn't change, but it might have been good if he was a bit taller and a little musclier - but not much. I used to love his body. Oh, kill that - I always wished that he'd fix his teeth. They were all over the place. 

10. If you could change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?

Ugh, loaded question. I would wish for a happier childhood, as my childhood was anything but happy. No callipers and plaster boots and being good at sport would be a good start...

11. If you could have any room in the world become your bedroom, which room would you choose?

This may sound strange, but I would love a bedroom with big picture windows high up in a skyscraper, where you can lie in bed and look out over the lights. Somewhere like the Shangri-La in Sydney would be good. See below. The views from the Shangri-La are incredible. 

12.  If you could alter one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?

My double chin has to go. Hate it. 

13.  If you could have stopped aging at any point in your life up to the present, how old would you wish to remain?

35. I quite liked being 35. Old enough to know better, young enough to have fun and your body is still your own, and not a slave to menopause. 

14.  If you could suddenly possess an extraordinary talent in one of the arts, what would you like it to be?

I wish I could play the piano, or sing well enough for people to hear me in public without cringing. 

15.  If you could have permanent possession of any single object in the world, what would you want it to be?

Part of me would love a Mercedes convertible. It will never happen, but I like the thought of a high spec Mercedes convertible car, not that there is anything wrong with my Mazda. 

Today's song: 


  1. T’was a rant at all! Driving a convertible would be fun, especially dilly dallying along backroads.

  2. such a wonderful answer for #1.

  3. (And dinner with Anthony Bourdain is also a good idea. I so miss him!)

  4. I'll admit that not the decision overturning roe but the rationale rather sucked.
