Monday, July 25, 2022

Four Shots Down

 I had my fourth COVID vaccination today, some seven months after the last one. 

I booked in for a Moderna shot at the local pharmacy. I got there early, the pharmacist saw me immediately and it was all over in five minutes. Easy. Basically painless. 

As I haven't had COVID yet, I got called a unicorn - it seems we who haven't had this horrid disease are a rare breed. I just say I hope it stays like that. From friends who have had a bad dose of it to one or two who have long COVID to people like my Mum, who had it and just had the sniffles - I just don't want it and I'm doing everything in my power not to get it. Yes, I'm the person wearing the N95 mask at the supermarket and in the cinema. 

Anyway, eight hours on and one rather intense gym session later, I have a sore left arm and I'm feeling a bit squiffy. Not so horrible that I feel ill - I'm just a bit out of sorts. My face feels flushed and I'm happier lying down. I hope this is the end of the reaction to the bloody thing. 

So with that, I'm going to take myself off to bed now sleep this off - hoping that all will be fine in the morning. 

Anecdotally, from my similarly aged workmates, this one shot might have a bit of a kick to it. Jay thinks I'm talking bollocks, but I only know what I've been told (and what the pharmacist told me - expect the worse and hope for the best. A couple of panadol and lots of water and rest). 

We'll see. 

Night night. 

Today's song: 

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