Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Stranger Things

 I've discovered Stranger Things. And yes, I know it's in it's in it's final season, and I know it's just finishing it's last season, so this makes me a late adopter - but it is great. 

It's like a 1980s version of Buffy. Maybe a bit gorier - but I can watch it with ease during the day

I love that Winona Rider is playing somebody's mum. 

I love the geeky friends. 

I love that the young girl is the hero. 

And the eighties sound track.

And that this is all about friendship and community.

And it shows all of the wonderful eighties technologies and fashions. 

Why anybody would want to live in Hawkins, Indiana is beyond me (a bit like Pawnee, Indiana...)

But this is what is happening on my days off.

I'm watching Stranger Things

Oh well. I'm one season down and it's made for great binging. 

Today's song: (From the Stranger Things playlist)

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