Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Travel Questions

 I'm back from my jaunt into the country - had a wonderful day doing a lot of driving, visiting a bakery in Malmsbury, the Bendigo Woollen Mills and the Elvis Exhibition (with pieces straight out of Graceland). It was a great day.

Now to get on with this week's questions (talking about something I adore - travel), thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

    To which countries have you been?

Now, let me see. I've been to the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand, Indonesia (just Bali), Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Ireland,  France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece and The Netherlands. 

    Which countries would you love to visit one day?

On my current hit list are the following:

  • Japan
  • Portugal
  • Denmark and all of the Scandinavian Countries
  • Iceland
  • Canada
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • Cuba
  • Georgia
  • Fiji
  • Argentina and Uruguay
  • Chile and the Galapagos
Well, that is the wish list. 

    Have been on a trip this year or have one planned for later?

COVID is still making me ponder the travel question. This year I've been on short trips to Adelaide and Canberra and I have trips to Hobart and Sydney planned for later in the year (and I might have to add Brisbane to the list after a friend showed me an amazing exhibiton up there. I keep thinking about where (and when) my next big trip will be. Mind you, I have to wait until my passport comes back from renewal - I put it the application a few months ago. 

    What kinds of transport do you prefer to travel by? (train, car, plane,...)

I love most travel. Living in Australia planes are the only way to go. In Europe, it's trains - the trains are great over there. I love a good road trip and I adore being on ferries.

    Do you get yourself a souvenir to take home? If yes, what do you like to buy?

Tea towels and fridge magnets. 

    Do you like to try local food? Can you recommend anything or advise not to try something?

Of course I try the local food - why else to you travel? Satays in Malaysia and Thailand from street vendors. Kadai Paneer in Northern India (and the samosas off the street are to die for), Philly Cheese Steak in Philadelphia - and all the strange parochial food they have in the States has to be tried - lobster in Boston, for example. I love going to the local places and trying different things. It's one of the best parts of travelling.

If you're in Adelaide, try Fru Chocs, Cornish Pasties and visit the wine regions - they're amazing.  

    Do you book your travel online or classical in a travel agency?

I generally book online, unless it's a big, important trip that I'm not too sure about. I booked India through a travel agent. It was a good move. 

    Name three things that you can not go anywhere without and have in your suitcase.

  • Phone charger
  • Kindle
  • Clean underwear

    Tell about a funny travel experience you had.

I think I laughed more when I was travelling in India than I have in any other country - I think it's how I coped with the onslaught of experiences, sights and the poverty. It's an amazing country. 

    Tell about a bad travel experience your had.

Never travel with people who are on a vastly different budget to you. It's all too hard - and never again. 

    What kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you go on trips?

It depends. I'm not a camper and I don't like doing it rough. City breaks I go 4 star (5 if I can find a good deal) In the country - as long as it's clean. In Europe, AirBNB is a great way to go - depends on the trip. 

    Have you ever traveled alone by yourself? Did you like it? If not, would you want to try it?

Over the last 30 years I've pretty much travelled alone exclusively - and I love it. You meet people on the way, get to do things on your own terms. I love it. 

    What is the first thing you do when you arrive at your destination?

Find my hotel and test the bed. If I'm in the tropics, I go for a swim or find something to eat and drink. All depends on when you get in. But testing the bed is important. 

    What kinds of activities do you like to do when you are traveling?

I'm a cathedrals, castles, temples, museums and galleries person - and long drives along pretty roads. In Bali, I take myself up to the hills and do a lot of yoga in between swimming and drinking Bintang Radlers. If I'm in Europe, I love mooching around old cities. In America, just walking the streets is a great thing to do as it's all so different. 

    How do you like to spend your vacation? (on a cruise, backpacking, etc)

Depends on the holiday. See above. I've never been on a cruise. I can say, hand on heart, I never want to go on a cruise. And I did the backpacking think when I was younger. 

    Do you like to travel in your own country? If yes, can you recommend a place?

Traveling around Australia is fantastic. Some places I can recommend: 

  • Melbourne is very cool - great place for coffee, laneways, museums and galleries - very multi-cultural. 
  • Sydney is stunning (but soulless) Get on the Manly Ferry - it's an iconic ride.
  • Adelaide has a lot on offer with its wineries - the food is amazing
  • Kangaroo Island is very cool - it's a trip out of Adelaide, but there's lots to do.
  • Regional Australia, all over, has some great spots - you just have to find them - like the oysters in Coffin Bay, or the Limestone Coast, or the Rutherglen region, or the Snowy Mountains... too many to list. 
  • Lots of people like Queensland - I'm not a fan, too humid.
  • I loved the Northern Territory - Darwin - for it's completely different side to Australia - it's also near to Kakadu, Katherine (Nitmiluk) Gorge, Litchfield and  Arnhem land. 

I've also been promising myself a trip to Uluru and Kata Tjuta (what used to be known as Ayres Rock and the Olgas) - just need to find myself somebody to go with because accommodation is so expensive.


  1. Do you ever go to WA? I have never been to Eastern Australia, but enjoyed my 6 weeks in WA.

    My husband is not a foodie, so it's difficult to convince him to try something new (or more than cheap)

  2. My aunt flew from the USA to Australia to work, and all she saw was her job location and her hotel. I could not believe she did no sight-seeing. Still amazes me.

  3. Oddly, Uruguay was on my list last week.
