Thursday, August 18, 2022

My Year Without Chips and other Follies

 I always get to the night before my birthday and wonder just what I've done this year. 

And I think yeah, not a great year, not a bad year. 

I mean:

  • I survived the job from hell
  • I'm 5 kgs lighter than I was this time last year
  • I've had a skin cancer removed and my gall bladder out - within two weeks of each other
  • I got another, better job after the job from hell
  • I've been the Canberra and Adelaide
  • I've kept up my commitment to the gym
  • And I've got a lot more money in the bank - although some of that is leaving me soon because I've put a deposit on that car. 
And the calendar kicks over another year tomorrow. 

I'm a little bit down about this one. Not sure why. Maybe it's because I still don't feel like I've achieved anything over the last year. 

But I'm putting in some goals now. 

First up, no chips. Hot or cold, sweet potato or otherwise, for the next eyar. This is a big general healthy eating goal, but no chips is a good way to clear out some carbs. I also want to have a designated vegetarian day each week. Not vegan - not that silly, but an ovo-lacto vegetarian I can do once a week - you nver know, I might like it. 

I also want to get my steps up. Again, I'm pretty good with this, but I'd like to be a bit more active. We've got a stepathon at work in September. 10,000 steps a day. I should be good for this. 

There's lots of things I want to do in the coming year, but I'm not going to go into them now. 

Half of me wishes I dream of being bitten by a snake in my dreams tonight. At least then I'll know what I have to do in a year and a day. 

Today's song:

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