Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Friday Fill-in

 It's birthday weekend - and I'm home alone on a Saturday night. What's new? (At least I had a great night Friday and a nice weekend on the whole).

Now for this week's questions, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.   I am currently obsessed with_____   clearing out extraneous things from my life. I'm having a big clean out this year. It will take time, but if something is not serving be, it's being let go of, with love, or course. 

2.  Today I am happy because _____  I had a sleep in and spoke to some overseas friends this morning for my birthday. 

3.  The age I am is 54 and the age I feel is  probably around 38-42. I like those ages. 

4.  My favorite place is probably London and if in London, my favourite place is Westminster Abbey - I love being surrounded by history. If I have to name a place in Australia, I think the Great Hall with its stained glass ceiling in the National Gallery, Victoria has to be one of those places. 

5.  Something I have been procrastinating is _____ Getting back into my novel. I've given myself a year and a day to complete the full first draft. I CAN do this. 

6.  The last thing I purchased was _____ this week's groceries. Actually, scrap that, I bought a coffee after I bought the groceries. 

7.  The thing I love most about my home is _____ my reading chair in the spare room - and the fact that I feel safe and secure in here. 

8.  My most prized possession _____ Look, I'm not really into possessions, but I do love that reading chair. I also have a copy of Lady Cottington's Book of Pressed Fairies, signed by it's author, Terry Jones, of Monty Python fame. I love my Harley Davidson Motorcycle boots too. 

9.  If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be _____ probably about 42. Old enough to have fun, but old enough to know better and not get into too much trouble. 

10.  My outlook on life _____ is generally positive. 

11.  If you want to annoy me, _____ be rude, particularly be rude to service staff. Or try and tell me that Adele and Ed Sheeran are the best musicians ever. Or play Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell album. 

12.  I am completely defenseless when it comes _____ to dark haired, light eyed Englishmen - e.g. Clive Owen, Matthew Goode...  (or George Clooney at a push, but he has brown eyes). 

13. The bravest thing I’ve ever done was _____ probably move to England at the age of 23. Somehow it all worked out. 

14. Something that keeps me awake at night is ____ the neighbour'd dog. I really should call the council on that one. It's annoying on too many nights of the week. The next door neighbours parties can get a bit loud too. Generally, I'm a good sleeper. 

15. My favorite meal in the entire world is _____ Mum's roast lamb, with roast veggies and mint sauce. 

Today's song: 


  1. Happy birthday Pand :o)

    #1. I really need to do that too. It is on the list.

    #3. 54 years old - you young thing. ;o)

    #5. Try setting yourself a target every day (or two maybe). It (sometimes) works for me. And you can do it.

    #11. I love Bat Out of Hell (you may have guessed). Totally agree about Adele and Ed Sheeran. Don't get me started.




  2. Your answers resonate with me. The clear-out project, the grocery shopping and coffee...

    Happy birthday!
