Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Upstream Life

 It's a glorious day here in Melbourne - far too glorious to be spent sitting at a computer, so I will be brief today. 

Questions, as always, have bene supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Your favorite sport.

To watch, that would have to be Australian Rules Football, or Cricket in the summer. It's easier to ask me what sports I don't like. I'm not really a sporty person, but I will jump in and have a watch when required. 

2. A quote to live by.

" Two roads  two diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference." (Robert Frost)

I say that to myself all the time. Make your own way in life - it's good advice. 

3. A city in the US you would like to move to.

Having visited Boston, I know I could happily live in the Cambridge area of that city. I love Boston - but I have a feeling I'd also do well in San Francisco, Seattle or New York. Must get back to the States at some stage. 

4. 3 beautiful little things in your life.

  1. My cat
  2. My friends
  3. My fitness level - I got through pump this morning and I even put my weights up a bit. 

5. What made you laugh today?

I was watching Frasier this morning. I like to watch an episode of Frasier before I go to bed. It's pretty innocuous, and rather funny. I like going to bed happy. 

6. A good deed you did today

I haven't been around people much today to do a good deed. I have got all of my washing done and it dried on the line - a benefit of this glorious day. Not sure if that is a good deed or now, but it feels good. 

Oh, hang on, I donated $50 towards the Crikey legal fund. Freedom comes from free media, and anything I can do to stick it to Newscorpse is a good thing. 

7. Activities you like to do when you are bored.

Same as always, read, write, clean, torment the cat...I don't get bored very often. 

8. Are you a procrastinator?

I can be. I procrastinate about writing, which is a bad thing - but then again, I'm good at deadlines. 

9. Your thoughts about dying

We're all going to do it - and if we can go through it with some dignity, surrounded by friends, then that's a good result. Nobody gets out of this life alive. A lot of us seem to forget this. 

10. What super power would like to have?

I would love to be able to fly. Seeing I am a middle aged woman, I already have the super power of invisibility. It appears to be given to you when you hit about 45. 

11. Top 3 Netflix series

Oh, on Netflix, I'm currently on an Outlander binge. 

I also love the following shows: 

  • Schitt's Creek (Ew, David!)
  • Lucifer
  • A Very British Scandal
  • Stranger Things
  • Suits
  • Bridgerton
  • Emily in Paris
  • Brooklyn 99
Yes, I like light and fluffy. 

12.  Things you want to do before you die

Some of the following:

  • Go back and live in England
  • Walk the Camino de Santiago di Compostella
  • Get married
  • Write a number or books and get them published and make lots of money
  • Travel a lot more.
  • Own another cat and a dog.

13. Your biggest fears

According to my family, that would be commitment. I would say that it's intimacy. And snakes and huntsman spiders. 

14. What makes you angry?

People who are rude to waiting staff. Willful ignorance. The Australian Liberal National Party. Pretty much every action every taken my Scott Morrison. Daft bureaucracy. 

15. Do you listen to podcasts?

Sometimes, but not often. I'm more an audiobook person. Rather loving my current audiobook, The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki. When I do listen to podcasts, it's normally about a topic which really interests me - that or it's My Dad Wrote a Porno, which is one of the funniest things I've ever listened to. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    I like a good game of cricket. I was at day 2 of the recent test in Manchester between England and South Africa (which we won). I've watched Aussie Rules football in the past - I struggled to understand what was going on but it was entertaining.

    I like Boston and New York too. They are in the top 5 places I've been to in the US. I've been to Seattle too but I was only there for a couple of hours so I didn't get much chance to get that acquainted with it.

    Yes - I like Frasier too - particularly when he starts to lose his temper. Schitts Creek and Brooklyn 99 are enjoyable.

    If you come over to the UK let me know.




  2. I love that Robert Frost poem.

    How did I forget Schitt's Creek? That show made me laugh so hard.

  3. I prefer audiobooks to podcasts, too.

  4. I hope you write all the books you want to write. Look how Robert Frost inspires us. :-)
