Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Cull and the Cook

My vow to myself to shed those things which do not serve me continues. There's a bit of consideration as to what to chuck out. 

Yesterday, I went through the bathroom cupboards and ridded myself of all of the lotions and potions that were out of date, never used and would never be used. I now have two half-empty cupboards. And it feels good. 

The day before, one of the dresser drawers was cleaned out. Why I had five pairs of black opaque tights, I have no idea. I've kept three - two of which are decent Snag tights which last forever, the rest were binned - as the elastic was fraying in some of the pairs. Done. it feels good. 

Today's foray into ridding myself of extraneous stuff was looking at the printer situation. Jay gave me an old laser printer about a year ago. It's been sitting in the boot of my car. In my cupboard, another laser printer sat, which by hook or crook, I could not get working. I gave the one in the cupboard one last try at working. Didn't happen. I finally collected the laser printer in the car boot, brought it up, tried installing the drivers and voila!, a working printer. The one which refuses to operate will be taken down to the council with some other items in a day or so (paint cans being one of those things). 

It feels good to have that sorted. I'll keep going with this. I'm dreading going through the spare room - although, I've made a start on that already. Some regalia from a lodge which no long operates was returned on the weekend. That also felt good to do. It only took me two years to return it. 

Another aim this year is to cook more - and cooking I am doing. 

Easy is good - and this recipe for Chicken and Miso soup with Chilli poached eggs is incredible - even if I've changed a few things round. 

Yes, the broth of white miso, grated ginger, soy sauce and mirin remains, which poaches the chicken breast. Instead of fresh udon noodles, I used the packet ones, cooking them up as the chicken poached. The the chilli oil was added, which goes down as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. But I soft poach in egg in another small pan, rather than cooking them in the broth. 

Okay, so the method has changed, it's still incredibly yummy, even if my lips are still tingling from the chilli oil - and I have left overs for lunch tomorrow. 

Tomorrow for dinner I might make poke bowls, with lots of blanched green veggies. Yum. 

Small things that keep me happy. 

Today's song:

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