Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The return of the dancing fridge

 I really can't dance, but still, I persevere with the Tuesday night BodyJam class. 

There's good things about doing BodyJam in the comfort of your own lounge room. Nobody sees you. You can hide away from the camera - even turn your camera off - though Anni likes seeing you're at least moving, even if you're not getting all the steps in. 

And I like Body Jam because it's more my type of music. Unlike Zumba - where I think I'm going to throw my back out, BodyJam is a bit more pop and lock, edgy and it doesn't change all the time. You get to know the moves and they build on each other  - and by the end of the hour, I know what I'm doing.

Also, the cat doesn't judge me when I do BodyJam. In the one time I did Zumba he sat on the couch and basically laughed at me. 

But I still can't dance. 

I'm very self-conscious about dancing. I think primary school left me scarred for life, having to learn how to square dance. It was awful. And I always had to dance with Leon Crow. He didn't smell very good. 

But still, I enjoy these classes. 

At least nobody can see me. 

Other than the cat. 

Today's song: 

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