Wednesday, September 21, 2022

So where do the men go?

 Last night, after book group, one of our throng posted photos of her recent trip to the red centre, where her choir performed at multiple venues to great success. She had a ball - it's right up her alley and gives her so much joy. 

Looking at the photos, something struck me. Where do the men go after they turn 50?

My friend's choir, from what I can see, is made up of women in their 50s, 60s and 70s. She's often told me I should go along to this choir, but I can't carry a tune in a bucket. But where do the men go when they age?

Sure, I'm a single woman. I have a lot of single women friends. Most of these women have active hobbies. Football. Theatre. Movies. Choirs. Bushwalking. Handicrafts. You name it, they do it, often in pairs, or groups. They meet for book clubs, movie clubs, they go out out to dinner, make connections. They do this regularly and often. 

If you look at the theatre crowds, it's obviously skewed towards a majority of women. The same with movie theatres (although you get some films which men go to more readily).

Or so it appears. 

I just want to know what men do, when they're not partnered up and dragged along to things by their wifes - what do men do and where do they go once they get older?

Okay, I know golf links are an older man's natural habitat. Sailing clubs another. A lot go cycling, turning themselves into the ubiquitous MAMILs (Acronym: Middle aged men in lycra)

But it really is a paradox. Where do the single men go once they hit forty. Like middle aged women in shops, do they just disappear into the background? Or do they stay sitting on the couch, watching the football, beer in one hand, their balls in the other?

Don't they have interests? Don't they want to keep their brains active? Don't they want to stay a part of a community?

Or am I just being blind?

Today's song: 

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