Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Steptember Check In: Week Two

 I'm rather proud of myself. 

It's Day 13 of the Steptember Challenge - and as of today, I've made my 10,000steps a day or more every day of the challenge so far - so much so that I'm ahead of schedule - I reached the halfway mark today when it comes to steps - I've gone over the 150000 mark. 

It's all about consistency. 

On Sunday, I felt like I walked all day. Walking to MONA from my cousin's house, walking around the gallery for three hours, then walking back, I had 13000 steps on my pedometer by just after lunch. 

Today, by comparison, things went a bit South. With some impromtu meetings, a visit from a tradie and a bad case of the CBFs, I got to 6 pm and there was only 3500 steps on my pedometer. It took a walk down to Victoria Gardens (1500 steps) Two laps of Ikea (2000 steps) a lap of the rest of the shopping centre (1500 steps) and a walk home to get me back on par. 

I'm enjoying the committment. I love that I'm actually doing this - and feeling good for it. 

Even better, any sponsorship money is going to assist Cerebral Palsy research.

Thank you to those who have already sponsored me. For those who might like to chip in a few dollars for the cause, you can sponsor me here.  (The link takes you to my fundsraising page).,

Thanks in advance. It's a good cause. 

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pand,

    I really need to up my game with steps. This year I have said I will stick to my 7000 step mark officially but unofficially aim for 8000.

    It's going well so far - 8228 is the magic number.

    I do walks where I exceed 10000 steps and sometimes 20000 - one day I might get to 10000 average.



