Saturday, September 10, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Happier Now

 I'm going away for the weekend, so I'm doing these questions early to give myself a break for a bit. 

Thanks to Bev and Kwizgiver for getting out the questions on Sunday Stealing. I hope Bev's computer get's fixed soon. 

What flavor Popsicle is the best? 

Popiscles? Ah, American for ice blocks. I'm a fan of the Banana Paddle Pop and lemonade ice blocks. I also make my own ice blocks smushing up lychees, passionfruit and sometimes adding a bit of mango. Yum. 

Do you have a DVR feature with your cable? 

Cable telly is an American thing. We have free to air, which is sort of okay (think PBS, but with more commericals) and we have streaming services, of which I have a few (Netflix, Stan and Disney). But the cable services are run by Foxtel which is a subsidiary of Newscorp and I actively try not to give Rupert Murdoch any more of my money than necessary. I also have a DVD recorder, still, not that it has been used in years. 

How many drawers does your dresser have? 

Five. Two small drawers for socks and undies and three larger ones for everything else. 

Is your closet a mess? 

Yes, my wardrobe is a mess. But I am slowly culling things out of it I haven't worn for years. 

Have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube? 

Yes. I was one of those geeky kids who could get out a Rubik's Cube in around two minutes. Yes, I was that kid in the eighties. 

Describe your favorite pair of pajama pants: 

I can direct you to them online. They're made of bamboo. They are black and they are very comfortable. I'm wearing them now. Love Boody clothing. 

What color is your wallet? 

Blue and aqua - again, I can direct you to it. It's an Israeli brand, MyWalit - they make gorgeous Italian leather products. I bought this second hand. Still love it. 

Do you find flea markets and thrift shops enjoyable? 

Yes I do, but I don't go very often as I have enough clothes. Op Shops are great when you've got a dress up party to go to. I do buy most of my clothes online and secondhand. Recycling is good. 

Have you met amazing people online? 

Yes. I was a member of a online diet club over ten years ago - I'm still in contact with a lot of the group.

Would you be happy if I colored a picture for you? 

Absolutely. Can I put it on my fridge? That's what you do with pictures like that. And as long as it's not a picture of a cock and balls, it's all good. 

What show do you think 'made' the 90's? 

Oh, that's a toss up between The West Wing and This Life (It was on in England and it was great). Mind you, Friends was great, and Ally McBeal.... As was Drop the Dead Donkey.... too much to choose from. 

Are you happier now than you were last year? 

Yes. Things have settled down. 

What are you currently drinking?

Currently?I have the last of my bubble tea (Lychee Oolong with Aloe pearls) mixed with dry ginger ale. Aloe pearls go amazingly with dry ginger. No alcohol. I have to be up early. 

Do you trust people easily? 

No. I've got major trust issues - but once you've got my trust, you've got it until you step all over me. Most people don't do that, thank goodness. But also, I think trust comes in stages. Initial, low level trust - sure. Deeper trust is harder. 

What are you looking forward to in the next three months? 

I have a few things to look forward to. 
  • I'm off to Tasmania for the weekend tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn. I'm going to MONA on Sunday - one of the best art galleries in the world - and I'm seeing my favourite cousin. 
  • I'm seeing some plays and will probably see a lot of film
  • There's a trip to Sydney to see The Pixies in December (going again in Melbourne two days later... go figure)
  • And a knitting camp in October. 
Lots of things to look forward to. 


  1. I thought of The West Wing, but it was on from 1999 to 2006, so I think of it as more a 2000s show. Ally McBeal (I listened to the soundtrack THIS WEEK) was from 1997 to 2002, so it could have made my list.

  2. Hi Pand,

    I never watched Ally McBeal but I have watched Friends a few times. Ah - Drop the Dead Donkey - a brilliant show.

    Enjoy your trip to Tasmania.




  3. I'm intrigued by your knitting camp! I hope you'll say more about it.

  4. It sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun over the next 3 months!!
