Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Sod this for a game of soldiers

I have COVID. 

Fuck it. 

Okay, the good things: 

  • I'm not majorly unwell. If these were pre-COVID times, I'd be going into work.
  • Everything I was doing for the next week has been postponed or cancelled. 
  • The MTC moved our Friday theatre tickets out until next Friday.
  • I did a big shop yesterday. 
  • I don't want to eat, so keeping to the diet is easy.
  • I've got a doctor's appointment for tomorrow lunchtime. 
  • Friends are being marvelous with offers of stuff. 
On the not so good side of things:
  • Everything tastes like a mix of cardboard and metal
  • I'm low on energy.
  • Concentrating is a bit hard.
  • And I'm bloody grumpy. I've been grumpy for a few days. 
The thing is, we don't have to isolate any more. But I'm going to keep to myself until this is clear. There's a newborn baby next door and my downstairs neighbour is immuno-compromised. If I do end up going outside, I'll be wearing a mask. 

Hopefully I don't get too much crooker.

Stella, who was on the knitting camp also has it, so I think I know where it came from. 

I think the doctor will be putting me on antivirals. We'll see. I was told that if I get it to call her. I've done that.

All will be well. 

And for the moment, I'm going to watch Derry Girls from bed. 

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