Sunday, October 9, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From the meme vault

 Another Saturday night at home - may as well get my Sunday Stealings in early and have an early night. It was an early morning on Saturday morning as I went and did the ParkRun, which is great but it leaves you a bit knackered. 

Anyway, here we go. Questions have been fielded by Bev at Sunday Stealing, who is probably very grateful to have her computer working again. 

What period of history is your favorite to read about?

I'm a lover of Tudor History i.e. Henry VIII, Mary, Elizabeth I and the two World Wars. I just find those eras fascinating. 

What is your favorite genre of fiction?

I tend to read literary fiction. I'll read a bit of crime and chick lit every so often, and my guilty pleasure is romance in the Bridgerton ilk, but don't tell anybody about that. I try and get through a couple of the Booker shortlist each year. 

Do you choose a book by its cover?

Not really. I'll choose my books by the author and the genre, but rarely by the cover. The cover might make me pick it up and have a look at the blurb at the back, but I'm not a sucker for a pretty cover. 

Where do you do most of your reading?

I read in a couple of ways. Physical books are read in my reading chair or curled up on my bed snuggled up to the cat. I also listen to audiobooks, and I always have one or two on the go. 

My reading chair

Without looking, guess how many books are in your TBR pile. Now, look. Were you right?

I'd say there's about 100 books to be read around the house - but in the immediate pile, there's about 20. And yes, I'm right. 

How many movies are on your TBW list?

Far too many of those as well. There are hundreds of movies I'd love to see. Love a good movie. 

What's your favorite genre of movie?

I'm an art house and drama sort of movie goer, but I also love Marvel and rom coms and straight comedies. I'll watch pretty much anything other than horror and bad comedy. 

Do you still go to see movies in the theater?

I see around a movie a week in the cinema - it's still the best way to see films. I went to the movies yesterday. 

You have $10,000 and no strings or obligations for one full day. Where do you go and what do you do?

There are a few things I would and could do. These include:

  • Pay my car off
  • Book a couple of holidays - I could get to Europe on that and do a few weeks over there on ten grand. 
  • If I was in another life I'd probably buy a couple of Golden Retriever puppies.
  • Or get myself a whole new wardrobe. 
I'm very good at spending money. 

How many songs are on your favorite playlist?

I have no idea - around 100 on one I play a lot of the time. 

What method do you use to listen to music (Spotify, iTunes, Pandora...)?

iTunes is my music player of choice - just for pure convenience. 

Today's song: 


  1. Your movie genre list is probably a better reflection of my taste than my own list!

  2. I need to change how I spend my $10,000 -- I want to book some trips, too! Great answer. My thinking was too confined to one day.

  3. Great chair for reading! My 10,000 would be repairs sadly.

  4. Trips would be a good way to spend that extra dough.
