Sunday, November 13, 2022

Experiment: Fake Tan

 Every couple of years I get it into my head that I should have a tan. Even a slight tan. Just a little one to make it look my legs aren't made of fluorescent tubing. And it's going into summer, and I think why not give self-tanner a go. 

And it's not like I can go sit in the sun. I normally tan quite well in the sun, but as we're all older and know better, I don't want to do this. 

And nobody uses tanning beds anymore - and certainly not after having a skin cancer scare earlier this year

However, in the past, I've been reticent to use self-tanning lotion. Why? In the past my skin broke out in welts when I used it. Itchy skin for a few days. Bright red streaks. Doesn't matter what type of self-tanner I use, it seems to set my skin off. Needless to say, I've never had a spray tan and just say I'm allergic to self-tanner and be done with it. 

We'll, after spotting my lily-white legs the other day I stupidly bought some self-tanner. Maybe it was the recent eclipse, but I bought some self-tanner on Saturday, thinking that maybe the ingredients have changed a bit.

We will see. 

My extremities got a coating this afternoon - being sure to have exfoliated before using this stuff. 

It smelt like cocoa butter. 

And it went on easily. 

But my skin feels hot. No welts, but it feels warm - which is strange. 

And although I'm not going to use layer upon layer to build up a tan, a few hours on, this has certainly taken the deathly pallor away. I'm not tanned - just a little sun kissed. My self-esteem is still intact and strangely, gently browned legs do make you feel good. 

I'm interested to see if the welts and itching come back. Chemical concoctions have changed over the last ten years, so here's hoping they done. I'm not going to end up looking like an amateur body builder. 

It's strange the things we do for vanity. 

Today's song: 

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