Thursday, November 3, 2022

Notes from Today

 I'm not in the mood to write today. I'd rather be knitting to be honest. 

Anyway, I won't make a song and dance of this. Here's a few things I noticed today. 

  • The most annoying thing in the world is when you have notification that you have a parcel - and you're home, then you get a message saying that they tried to deliver your parcel - but you haven't been out the front door, and nobody's called or rung the doorbell. Working from home, this shits me to tears. I now have to traipse out to the other side of Richmond to collect this parcel. 
  • Why is it, when they're doing anything for the body corporate, things take five times longer. We don't have a back fence here. It's not fun. I'm sure they will fix the fence in the next month or so. 
  • I like the cool weather far too much. 
  • I'm enjoying listening to Melissa Lukaschenko's Mullumbimby. Good book. Fun book. Eye opening in many ways. 
  • I'm also sort of enjoying Sofie Laguna's Infinite Splendour - but not as much as I love The Eye of the Sheep. She's verging on trauma porn with this one, but her writing is incredible.
  • I keep looking at the weather forecast, and I am sad that it's warming up - mainly because my cat is super cuddly at the moment - and I rather like it. 
  • And I have a runny nose. I hope it dries up soon. 
That will do. I don't have much to say today. Besides, Lucifer wants to play. 

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