Monday, November 28, 2022

The Projects

 My dislike of Christmas is not so bad that don't participate at all, but rather, I prefer to take the line of least resistance and try to ignore that the whole thing is going on. 

Today in the team meeting a couple of the colleagues were talking about how they were starting to put up Christmas decorations. 

See, I don't really get it. I never have. In my adult life I've never put up Christmas decorations. Over the years I've had various Christmas freakouts, which have occurred as early as July and lasted for a month, to now where the freakout lasts for an hour or so every now and them.  It is what it is. Probably and easy three months of therapy might unpack it, but as it's not something which is impacting my life, I'll leave it for the moment. It also helps that I've got some decent strategies in place to get through them. And different things to do at Christmas - not only go back to Adelaide. 

Anyway, in the lead up to this Christmas, I'm working on projects. There's three on the go. 

A jumper for my step-dad. I had enough wool left over when I made my jumper earlier this year to make him one too. I've got a sleeve and a half to go to finish it - I should be able to get it done for Christmas. 

There's a hat for Reindert, of which I'm just shaping the crown - that will be in a packet to America by the end of the week. 

And there's a multi-coloured scarf for my step-sister's partner. It's made of thick wool and being made on big needles. It's only acrylic wool, but I think she might like it - she has an office area in a shed - it can keep her warm on cold days. It's also suitable to wear to the odd Pride march. 

Once Reindert's beanie is finished, I'll start on another beanie for my step-sister. It gets cold in the Adelaide Hills and even if it sits in the glove box, beanies never go astray. 

It's just nice to have people to knit and crochet for. 

It's these little projects which are keeping me sane.

Today's song: 

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