Monday, November 21, 2022

The Way Out

 I believe tomorrow will be the last day that I am on this bloody committee which I have really not enjoyed being on for many years?

Why have I remained on this committee? 

Probably a sense of duty. I'm an ex-Methodist. I'm good at duty and service. Yes, I'm a character out of Gilbert and Sullivan. (Mind you, this version of "A Little List is FANTASTIC")

Anyway, as of tomorrow night I'm off this committee. I'm under no illusions that I will still being doing things for this committee for at least a few months, but it won't be my direct responsibility after tomorrow night. 

I've started to hand things over - well, I've tried to hand things over, they will be handed over in due course. 

But we're nearly there. I'm on my way out of this committee. 

And it feels very, very good. 

Today's song:

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