Friday, December 2, 2022

Am I the only person without a Spotify Account?

 It's just FOMO, I know. 

My friends are all posting their Spotify albums and artists of the year - and I'm sitting here thinking, "But I don't use Spotify." My bottom lip pokes out a little and quivers.

You can find out a lot about people from what their music choices. 

Ed Sheeran and Adele? How are we friends?

Obscure ska - well yes, please introduce me. 

80's rock - hello, sista!

Naughties pop. Yeah well...

Hip hop and R&B - can somebody please explain the difference.

Anything off my radar - well please tell me about your music choices - I like learning about new music. 

I miss my old colleague who used to put strange things my way. I introduced him to Post Modern Jukebox and Alt-J, he put Hazmat Modine and Jolie Holland on my playlists. 

We both liked working to Jann Teirsen and Ludovico Enaudi. 

I'm sure if I had a Spotify list my most played album list would look something like this: 

  • The Pixies - Doolittle or Surfer Rosa
  • Alt-J - An Awesome Wave
  • Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
  • Hoodoo Gurus - Stoneage Romeos
  • Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not 
And the most played songs?

This week? Music is a bit cyclical. 

I have no idea. This week's playlist will have an eclectic mix to show. 
  • Goo Goo Muck by the Cramps
  • The Pixies - Nimrod's Son
  • Mental As Anything - Berserk Warriors
  • Harry Nilsson - Coconut
  • Nickelback - This Is How You Remind Me

I don't mind Nickelback. So, shoot me...

Music is cyclical and personal and fun. 

I still sort of wish I had a Spotify account. If you're wondering where I source my music - it's either Youtube or Apple Music. Inferior choices? Probably, but it does the job. 

Today's song:

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