Friday, December 16, 2022


 And I was doing so well...

I also thought everyone knew about the game that is #Whamaggedon. I've had to explain it to two people. And okay, it is an online thing, but Jay had never heard of it. Strange. 

The rules are easy. You don't have to do anything.  The rules of the game is simply to go as long as possible into December without hearing the classic song. - The 'game lasts from December 1 to midnight on Christmas Eve. - Cover versions or remixes don't count, only the brilliant original.

See, simples. 

One year I got done on December 2. Not happy about that. 

I have made it through to around the 20th and beyond once or twice. Yes, I've been playing this for years. And I don't go out of my way to sabotage people. 

Today, being the 16th, I didn't do too badly. 

Today, I was transitioning from having a massage to going to see Avatar: The Way of Water. I needed a quick dinner, so I popped into Coles to grab a sandwich or sushi - something to munch on the run.  

All I will say is fuck you, Coles Radio. So, if you shop at Coles, you've been warned. Take a podcast/ your earbuds, a boom box with Skrillex playing on it out loud - anything to drown it out so you don't have to hear it. 

It's a bit of harmless fun. And I generally love Coles Radio, except in December when they play that bloody song, and you get tipped out of keeping the bragging rights to say you got through December without hearing the wretched song. 

And if only they could do something similar for Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You, which is probably the most overplayed Christmas song out there and needs to slink off and die a more dignified death. Slade's song, Here it is, Merry Christmas brings similar ire. 

My favourite Christmas song is The Pogue's Fairytale of New York. 

How can you not like a song with lyrics like these?

You're a bum

You're a punk

You're an old slut on junk

Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed

You scumbag, you maggot

You cheap lousy faggot

Happy Christmas your arse

I pray God it's our last...

Today's song: 

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