Friday, December 23, 2022

My Day

 9.05 a.m.

So far, I am up. the bed has been stripped and there's a load of washing in the machine. The heavenly platform, a.k.a., my bed is about to have fresh linen to encompass it. 

I'm in my gym gear. While the whites are washing I'm going to get in a mini work out. My current motto is "So something your future self will love you for." A half hour of cardio and abs will work off last night's bourbon and curly fries. 

9.14 a.m.

Time to the sweet tea for the kombucha.  I can't leave my SCOBY unattended for the week I'm away, so I'm draining the batch now and when I get back, there will be fresh kombucha. Only thing, I don't have enough sugar.

10.30 a.m. 

One load of washing done and out on the line, another in the machine. Popped in to Coles after the gym to get a few supplies - mainly the things I won't have on my first day in Adelaide - almond milk and gluten free bread being the main things. And sugar for the kombucha. 

11.30 a.m.

Shower and start to pack my bag. I hate packing. On the good side of things, Mum washes nearly every day, so I don't have to take much - I can just get it washed. After showering, I hang the second load out on the line. 

1 p.m.

Make a list of all the daft stuff that I want to take with me to Adelaide. This includes: 

  • The kindle
  • The book I'm reading
  • Far too many charging cables.
  • And too many toiletries.

Do the last of the Christmas wrapping. Easy done. 

3.30. p.m.

Go out to Blarney's to check on her cats. She called and said that Rey Rey looked miserable when they left yesterday morning - and being the good friend and cat lover, I went and had a coffee with them. They were fine. Left them some food, gave them a pat, then headed back home in the traffic. Watched an episode of Slow Horses while was out there while drinking a coffee. 

4.30 p.m. Faced the nasty traffic home. Glad I took the back way - the Westgate was cactus. Checked my tyres on the way home.

5 p.m. Went round to Jay's place for a swim. Exchanged Christmas gifts and had a very yummy Pavlova Gin -and it was lovely. 

That reminds me - what gin am I taking with me? Hmmm.

7 p.m.

Start packing the car. Get the cat crate organised with some bedding and a litter tray. Put the small stuff in the footwells before putting the seats down. 

9 p.m. 

Iron all the stuff that was on the line earlier. Do the dishes. It's nice to come home to a clean flat. 

11 p.m.

Finish off this blog. 

I've got a big drive tomorrow, 

Today's song: 

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