Saturday, December 31, 2022

Notes from the Home

I'm back in Melbourne and I'm exhausted, so it's going to be a quick post. 

Here are a few takeaways from the last week in Adelaide. 

1) I am blessed with a cat who is very good on long car trips. He complained every now and then, giving a plaintive cry. But for most of the 800 km journey he sat on his blankie and slept. He's glad to be home. 

2) Fruchocs taste the best when they are bought in South Australia. And the donuts are much better. And don't start me on the pasties. 

3) The best eggs in the world come from Mum's chooks. I've been sent home with close to a dozen of the buggers. Scored a double yolker the other morning - full on yolks. Amazing. 

4) The worst bit of ending a holiday is unpacking the car. 

5) Flavoured milk (particularly Farmers Union Iced Coffee) is to South Australians what kombucha is to Victorians. There is hardly any kombucha on the shelves of the servos. Glad I took some of my own home brewed stuff with me.

6) I bought petrol on Tuesday for 159.9 - like 30 cents a litre cheaper than what it is over here.

7) Mum's roast lamb is still my most favourite meal ever. 

8) Old friends are gold. They are even more gold when they don't insist you go swimming when it's choppy and there's a bigger swell than you like to swim in. We sat on the beach and talked to the dogs and horses.

9) Travelling with you cat is like travelling with a toddler. I was listening to a couple talk to their child in the back of the car at my stop in Bordertown. We were saying EXACTLY the same thing!

10) I have no idea how long distance truckies do this driving shite all the time - amphetamines anybody?

Anyway, I am wrecked and I need to go to bed. 

This also marks my third year of writing a blog post daily. The big question - do I keep it up? 

And my last song of the year is one of the best travelling songs ever. 

Happy new year to all.

Today's song: 

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