Saturday, December 10, 2022

Sunday Stealing: The Year is Ending

 I think I'll get the Sunday Questions done early today. It's a busy weekend, so I think doing them while I try and do some housework is a good thing.

As always, the questions have been provided by Bev at SundayStealing

1. Wintertime comfort foods, habits, hobbies 

This is always a bit funny asking about wintertime as we have just hit summer here in Australia. So I don't want to be thinking about roast meat and veggies and soups and casseroles. It's summer here and I am looking forward to salads and seafood. 

My habits and hobbies don't really change over the seasons, though I do tend to put on suncreen more in Summer. 

2. Favorite seasonal/holiday music and songs 

I'm really not a Christmas person, but my favourite holiday song comes from The Pogues. Nobody sings a Christas song like Shane McGowan. 

3. The people I want to spend more time with next year 

My friends. And hopefully some newer friends too. 

4. How much I could change my life in 1 year if I focused 

A hell of a lot. I'm pretty good when I get focused. I will be saving money so I can go to Europe later in the year so I will need to be very focused. My current motto is "Do something your future self will be proud of." It's keeping me on the straight and narrow. 

5. The valuable lessons I learned this year 

This year I learned that burnout is NEVER worth it. Walk away and walk away quickly if things go that far south. 

6. How I’d describe 2022 in 10 words 

Hmm, here we go:

  1. Tiring
  2. Hopeful
  3. Annoying
  4. Challenging
  5. Fun
  6. Disappointing
  7. Grumpy
  8. Healing
  9. Wanting
  10. Blessed
Take these words as you will.

7. My favorite Reads of 2022 

As of today, I've read 50 books this year. Some favourites include:

  • Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Grimus
  • The Promise by Damon Galgut
  • Bodies of Light by Jennifer Down
And strangely, I finished E.M.Forster's A Room with a View today and loved every second of it. 

8. Best movies I saw in 2022 

Oh, that is another hard one. I've seen 40 films so far this year. Highlights include:

  • Mrs Harris Goes to Paris
  • The Quiet Girl
  • Juniper
  • Good Luck to you, Leo Grande (Probably my favourite)
  • Operation Mincemeat
  • Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
  • Belfast
I am really glad I review each movie I see on this blog - makes keeping track of things much easier. 

9. Favorite TV shows/episodes of 2022 

Some favourites include:

  • The second season of Bridgerton
  • Wednesday
  • Ted Lasso
  • Severance
  • And I discovered A Discovery of Witches.

10. Memorable experiences from 2022 

Melbourne is limping out of COVID, still, but we are nearly there. Of 2022 some things I've loved doing:

  • I ran a team for six months - although it's bloody hard work, I did enjoy the challenge. 
  • Seeing The Pixies, twice. Love The Pixies. 
  • I saw a lot of great theatre thanks to the Melbourne Theatre Company.
  • And I started doing a little bit of travelling - Adelaide, Canberra and Sydney.
  • Oh, and two great Gunnas retreats and a knitting camp.
  • Oh,and I had my gall bladder out. This was a very good thing.

11. Three people I enjoyed spending time with this year 

I don't like singling out people, and I love spending time with my friends, but I really enjoyed seeing my cousins this year. I saw a lot more of them - they're great people. 

12. How I handled challenges this year 

I handled the challenges like I handle most challenges. Head on. 

13. What I’m leaving behind in 2022 

Self-doubt and procrastination. 

14. How I changed most from beginning to end of the year 

Strangely, I'm a bit more confident now - and I really don't compromise when it comes to my health. Some would say I'm a bit quieter. 

15. What I want to tell myself before the New Year

Adelaide is not that far to drive when you have your cat in a cage in the back of the car. I'll try and believe it. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    1. Summer at Christmas time. I still can't get my head around that.

    2. One of my faves too.

    4. Good quote.

    Have a great XMas(in the sun) if I don't comment before. Think of us in the UK in the bitter cold.




  2. I read 50 books this year too! I didn't think I could do it, but I am currently finishing up #50.

    I see you like Wednesday. I just found it and am having a great time watching it.

  3. My list of books, movies, and TV is paltry.

  4. I love your list of 10 words!!
