Tuesday, December 13, 2022

White Lotus

 I'm trying to get into The White Lotus - this show on Binge which is now in its second series. 

Here are some thoughts. 

1. All of the characters are awful. And I mean all of them. There's barely a redeeming feature in any of them (okay, Albie isn't too bad, but the rest of them.... yeah, nah)

2. Somebody is going to end up dead - like in the first series. But who?  Hmmm. I suppose this keeps you interested. 

3. The White Lotus chain of hotels seems too up market for its own good, if this is the clientele it's attracting.

4. The first series was funnier - and Murray Bartlett, an Australian actor, helped make it so. I loved his Emmy acceptance speech. He deserved that award. 

5. For a series which is sort of about escapism, it gets pretty intense. The Love Boat and Holiday Island were never like this. 

6. But the scenes of the hotel and around Sicily make it well worth it. 

7. But the concierge at the hotel is rather disarming.

8. And then there is Jennifer Coolidge's Tanya - who is the only crossover character from last season. Poor Tanya..... Oh dear, poor Tanya. 

Oh, there is a lot to unpack here. I need to watch it more closely (it's not a show you can go make a cup of tea while it's on)

I'll keep watching. I like its edge. 

Today's song: 

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