Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Favourites

I'm quite proud of myself. I'm just back from town where I donated plasma for the first time. You get hooked up to a machine that goes ping. The machine takes in your blood, spins it about, strips out the plasma, then returns the red cells to you. It's amazing what man can do, and thankfully, this was a really good experience.  But I've been told to take it a little easy for a bit, especially as it's 37 degrees Celsius outside. I'll keep drinking the water. All is well.

Me, at the back end of giving plasma. 

Anyway, on with the questions, supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing, as always.

1. What is your favorite accent?

Oh, I have a few of them. Give me a cultivated Welsh accent, like that of Tom Ellis or Michael Sheen  - I love that. English dosed with a French accent is wonderful too. But mainly, any well -spoken Englishman will make my toes curl.

2. What is your favorite animal?

The common house cat. What else is it going to be? 

3. What is your favorite band?

Again, who else is it going to be but The Pixies. They are God. I love me some alternative hard rock and The Pixies provide. I've loved them from over thirty years. 

On my also ran list is:

  • Simon and Garfunkel
  • The Hoodoo Gurus
  • Portishead
  • The Beatles
  • The Rolling Stones
  • Mumford and Sons
  • Alt-J

4. What is your favorite childhood book?

I remember loving Enid Blyton growing up. The Majic Faraway Tree was a big favourite. 

5. What is your favorite color?

One of the following:

Pillarbox Red:  

Cobalt Blue: 
And Peacock Green:

I love bright colours. 

6. What is your favorite drink?

Alcoholic drink? Gin and tonic. I'm also very fond of Bloody Marys. I don't mind not having vodka in the Bloody Mary - tomato juice is great with Worcestershire and Tabasco sauce. 

7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Must there be just one? My go to cinema choc-top is the humble boysenberry one. My supermarket go to is the gold Magnums or Ben and Jerry's Tiramisu ice cream. When I'm out and can find it, I'm rather fond of Green Tea ice cream in Japanese restaurants. One of the best ice creams I've ever had was White Chocolate and Wasabi - that was amazing. 

Ice cream is the sixth food group - it would be bad to deny it. 

8. What is your favorite place on the planet?

London. Just because. 

9. What is your favorite sandwich?

Give me a proper Rueben sandwich, with finely shaved pastrami, with a decent helping of sauerkraut, pink Marie Rose sauce on toasted rye, with a pickle, and I am happy. Cafe D'Lish in Caulfield does a great one. And I would love to try one in a Jewish Deli in New York. 

10. What is your favorite swear word?

I use F*ck a lot. It's sort of replaced 'Bloody" as the national Australian adjective. 

11. What is your favorite thing to wear?

Natural fibres please. Give me a long tunic top and a pair of baggy linen trousers and I'm happy. And whatever is on my feet needs to be comfortable. I live in Birkenstocks over summer. 

12. What is your favorite food to eat on a rainy day?

Oh, that would be a baked potato with cheese and coleslaw. That or a decent curry with rice and some mango chutney. 

13. What is your favorite food to eat on a sunny day?

Fresh salad. Salad is good. Or a decent Australian barbeque (which is very different to American Barbeque) with lots of good, fresh, interesting salad. 

14. What is your favorite number?

I'm not sure I have one - but I do like 7, 19 and 64. The last one is because I love The Beatle's song. 

15. What is your favorite snack?

My current go to snack is is rice cakes, smeared with cream cheese and daubed with sweet chilli sauce. It's that or Burger Rings - another Australian delicacy. 

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    I have a weird question for you.

    Do Aussies use the word "bollocks?" I mentioned this on my post but I couldn't recall when I was Down Under whether it was used or not.

    This will be the oddest comment you have had probably.




  2. I enjoyed your answers! What are burger rings?

  3. I've done the plasma thing maybe a half dozen times. Saw Dr. Strangelove doing that

  4. Thanks for donating plasma, even when it's not for me.

    I have been donating to provide rhesus D antibodies.

    Both my girls were rhesus-babies and received 2 exchange transfusions and red cell transfusions.
    Without people making an effort and donating they wouldn't have survived.

    Enjoyed your answers.

    Have a nice sunday!

  5. I like baked potatoes but they haven't liked me back since I had an ulcer. I miss eating them, they made for a great easy meal.
