Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Stealing: High School

 Greetings from Christchurch, New Zealand, where it is a glorious Summer day. I'm about to hit the road and head South to a place called Dunedin for the night (Yes, everything around here is named after Scottish places). As I'm leaving fairly soon to pick up my hire car, I best get on with this. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. You are back in high school... what are you doing after school lately?

Homework or watching telly. I lived out of town. My teenage years were boring. 

2. Do you do homework early or late? Do you really study?

I did my homework early and I did study. I was the perennial swot. 

3. a, Do you go to the games? Football? Basketball.. what is your favorite to attend?

I'm Australian. We didn't have that American stuff. It's not part of our school culture. 

 b. Do you go to the dances? Prom? (what'd you wear?)

I'm Australian. We didn't have that American stuff. It's becoming more of a thing now, but it wasn't back then. 

4. Lunch!  What are we having today?   What is your favorite lunch?

Oh, my favourite was Mrs Reid's double cut cheese and salad rolls. This is very much a South Australian thing - a large, white crispy roll, double cut with lettuce, tomato, grated carrot, gherkin, some onion and beetroot, with a slice or two of cheddar cheese. They were wonderful. 

5. What kind of music do you like the best?

As always, rock, whether it be British, American or Australian. 

6. Does the radio play in your car and if so what station or kind of music plays?  Does music play in your home often?

At school, the radio was set to 107.1 SAFM. It used to be the best for non-poppy popular music. There was music at home, but Mum used to have talk back on most of the time. She still does. 

7. What do you think of the music played in restaurants or stores? Do you find it relaxing or annoying?

I tend to ignore the muzak in shops - with the exception of Coles Radio, which plays in all Coles Supermarkets - and they play some absolute bangers from the 80s and 90s. Love Coles Radio - you hear stuff you haven't heard in decades. 

8. What part has music played in your life? What kind of music played at your wedding or at parties you have been to?

Music is a big part of my life. It's always in my head - always. There is always a song ready to jump out. Never been married - but the parties I go to tend to have a gentle rock going on in the background - occasionally classical or jazz - depending on the mood and the people involved.

9. Is the farm for you? How about a ranch, a village or a city? Which is your choice and why?

Although I prefer to live in the middle of the city, I'm really comfortable in the country. What I can't do is the suburbs. I think I'd do well in an English village as well. Think that would be very nice indeed.

10. A short auto trip for the weekend with friends or a long vacation? Where would you go?

I do both. I love short trips, like the one I'm on now (8 days is really too short to do the South Island of New Zealand any justice). But I'm hankering for about a month away later in the year, where I can do Europe for a bit. Well, France, then see a bit of England again.

11. The quiet life at home with a cuppa and TV or a good book or a night out with friends? Which sounds good today?

I'm about to embark on half a day of driving, so at the end of this, a cuppa and a book will be just splendid. 

12. You have a choice of dinner and a movie or a game of cards and snacks at the neighbors. Where are you going tonight?

Dinner. I cheat at cards. Not worth the trouble. Unless it's Cards Against Humanity. Love that game. 

13. Is there a hero or character on TV, in a book or a movie .. or even on all three, that you are especially like? What do you find attractive about them?

I've just finished the book Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. I adore Elizabeth Zott, the book's protagonist. She's a trailblazer. If only more women were like her in the 50s and 60s. If you haven't read this, get a copy. It's a wonderful book. Apple TV are making a series of it at the moment.

14.  Was there a book that was better in movie form? How about a movie you thought didn't live up to the book?

This is a controversial call - and I love both the film and the book equally - but Ian MacEwan's Atonement was fantastic as a film. I thought, in places, the film was a bit better. 

15. When you choose a book, program or movie which subject it is most likely to be: science fiction, mystery, romance, comedy, documentary, etc.?     What draws you to a particular book or movie?

I love literary fiction for books. For films, well-made drama or comedy, and documentaries are great too. It's more what I don't like, which is horror or messed up psychological drama - like Breaking Bad was too violent for me. 

Right, I have to go find this hire car and hit the road. 

Today's song: 


  1. So you're coming to Europe. Welcome!
    I hope you're able to take the time and enjoy some special things.

  2. I didn't know that Apple TV is making Lessons In Chemistry a show! I loved the book, too.

    Have a great trip.

  3. Ha, there's a cute town in Florida named Dunedin. Went this past year because they have a whole bunch of breweries in a small area!
