Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Saturday 9

 Hmm, this is a different set of questions, based on a Judy Garland song. Hmm. 

Here is the song:

It's not one I know of. 

I'll give these a bash.

Actually, I've just looked back at the Sunday Stealing sight and something strange was going on and a new set of questions is on the page. I've done both. To the questions that are on the like now, they start at question 10. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1) In this song, Judy Garland sings about the train whistle and wheels. What sounds make you happy?

Cats purring. The Pixies. Saxaphones. The sound of somebody's heartbeat when you're cuddled up to them. 

2) She tells us that, since she loves dreaming of train travel, she must have "a little gypsy in her heart." How about you? Do you often dream of visiting faraway places?

Funny, I've just got back from a week in New Zealand, which has wet my whistle for travel again. I'm aways dreaming of travelling. I love travelling. 

3) Judy sings about a future when she's "old and gray and settled down." At what age do you consider a person is old?

Depends on the person. You can have old three-year-olds and young 90 years olds. I do think you're getting old when you're in your 80s. I've seen a lot of people slow down at this again. But not everybody.

4) This song is from the movie, The Harvey Girls. Filming was a time of stress for Judy. She was appearing before the cameras by day (she sprained her ankle in a scene where slips down a hill), recording the soundtrack by night, and dealing with lawyers regarding her divorce from composer David Rose. Yet watching the movie, none of the tension shows. Do you work well under pressure?

Normally, yes, but the pressure valve needs to be let off regularly if I am under great stress. 

5) Judy relaxed on the set by knitting and would make blankets and caps for the children of crew members. Do you knit?

Yes, and I knit well. 

6) Judy admitted she had a problem with tardiness. Do you strive to be prompt?

I strive for it - doesn't mean I'm always on time. I try. I'm on time when others are relying in me. 

7) In 1946, when this song was on the radio, cigarette cases were very popular. Since these metal cases were standard issue in the Army during WWII, many soldiers got into the habit of using them and continued to after the war ended. Women often carried fabric or leather cigarette cases that closed with a clasp like a coin purse. In the 1940s, elegant cigarette cases were a fashionable gift but today, they are largely forgotten. Did you ever carry one? Do you know anyone who did?

Although I smoked (and gave up around 15 years ago) I never had a cigarette case, but I had a friend in London who used one. They said it kept their ciggies in a better state than in the cardboard packets. 

8) Also in 1946, bikinis appeared for the first time on runways in Paris. How often did you don swimwear during 2022?

I wear swimwear every couple of weeks. I was wearing my bathers today. I've never, however worn a two-piece swimsuit. I try and swim every few weeks. I have a few friends who have pools. 

9) Random question: Thinking of your past romantic involvements, were you truly in love with one of them, some of them, or all of them? 

I'm not sure if I've ever really been in love. I've loved a few people, but in love - jury is out on that one. 

10. When did you last sing to yourself? 

Today. I'm always singing to myself. There is always a song in my head. 

11. If you’re male, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re female, would you ever rock really really short hair?

I've never had short, short hair. I got down to a long bob once - I'm just not a short hair person. I do wear black nail polish a lot though. 

12. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? 

Other than surviving? Probably getting my Masters. 

13. What is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise? 

I've just spent a few days with my friend Geetangeli and her husband in Christchurch, New Zealand. I cherish that friendship. We've been friends for over 35 years. 

14. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?

If my health was holding up, I'd probably say stuff money and go travelling. Strangely, this is sort of what the novel I'm writing is about. 

15. Do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?

1. Walk the Camino de Compostella de Santiago in Spain. 

2. Live in Paris for six months and become fluent in French. 

3. Learn the piano. 

16. How do you feel about tattoos and piercings?

I like them on other people. I have a small, out of sight tattoo and my ears pierced. Boring, but that's good for me.

17. Do you feel you had a happy childhood? 

Not really. Too much going on. There were moments when I was content. I've spent a lot of time in therapy over this. 

18. When did you last cry in front of another person? 

A few weeks ago at a movie. I will cry in front of people. I see no shame in that. 

19. Who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?

I can't think of anybody, although there is somebody I wish would explain himself - but you can't read his handwriting. 

20. What is your night-time routine? 

I try and get myself into a quieter space around 11 pm. I try not to talk to people after 9 pm as it sets everything back. I'll watch some gentle telly for a while. At midnight, I do the following puzzles on the phone - Framed, Heardle, Worldle, Worlde and WordHurdle (6 character Wordle). 

21. When was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you? 

From memory, a few years ago. The one that sticks out was after a flight from Varanasi to Delhi - I got to the accommodation in Delhi around 3 pm. It wasn't fun. 

22. If you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?

I have no idea who might be with me when do die, but I hope I say something kind to them, like "Be kind to one another. 

23. What is your opinion on brown eyes?

Brown eyes can be very soulful. I'm a sucker for bright blue eyes, I tend to go out with guys who have hazel eyes, but brown eyes can be lovely. 

24. Pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.

It's Shakespeare. From Hamlet. It's Polonius who says this. "This above all - to thine own self be true". Never truer words were written or spoken. 

25. What would you title the autobiography of your life so far? 

Nevertheless, She Persisted. 

Today's song:


  1. We are a Wordle people, too, though I haven't done it yet today!

  2. I've never learned to knit. I've always thought it was fascinating to watch someone with their two needles casting on and off (or whatever you call it!).

  3. Oh, and I wrote about Judy Garland last year. Get Happy is one of my favorite songs of hers.

  4. Hi Pand,

    Good title for an autobiography.




  5. I love the quote!!
    Enjoyed reading your answers.

    Have a great week.
