Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Novel Idea

 When your writing project stalls and you know you want to get writing, but you're procrastinating and you have lots of other things to do and....

Well, walking through Coles after a session at the gym, it struck me. A fish out of water story. A redemption story. One with an unknown element, within which I can instill some of my trademark humour. 

All I could think of was a title. The Lady Freemasons of Vaucluse

There are so many books about odd clubs. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society,  The Ladies Number One Detective Agency, The Jane Austen Book Club... Why can't I write something like that. 

A struggle with old and new.

Quirky characters. 

A bit of mystery.

Some mystery around what they actually do. 

The struggle with technology. 

Of course, I can see my freemason friends getting all up in the air about this (particularly as there is a lot of content I could draw from what I've seen over 15 years as a freemason...)

And there's the ethics of writing about something which is allegedly secret. 

Or maybe I should just boot myself up the arse and go back to my other project and not bask in the new relationship energy of another daft thought. 

One more day of holiday. Another interstate trip on the weekend. Back to work on Monday. 

Never to mind. Chuck it in the ideas book. 

Today's song: 

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