Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Things I could be writing about

 The things I could be writing about. 

I could be writing about the book group book we are about to start talking about - but book group is literally starting in ten minutes. The book is Bonnie Garmus's Lessons in Chemistry, and it is phenomenal. Awesome book. Read it if you haven't already. For quality popular fiction, it is grouse. 

I could be writing about the very large Baileys and Mr Blacks coffee liquer over a lot of ice that is sitting next to me. The two blend well together. Mr Blacks is just awesome,

I could write about the thunderstorm that is just hitting here as I type. It has taken the temperature down around five degrees in ten minutes, which is good as it was stinking hot here today. Tomorrow is going to be a much more palatable 23 degrees. Good I say. 

I could write about the fact that I'm going into work tomorrow, which feels a bit stupid as I have about zero drive to do anything, seeing I take off on at Thursday lunchtime. I'm only going in to have lunch with my engineer friend. We've been having lunch together once a month for over 12 years. This is the only time we spend together. I love my engineering lunches. 

I could write about the fact that the end came of my knitting needle came off and now my hands are covered in superglue. Mind you, soaking your hands in nail polish remover gets rid of most of it - and the head of the knitting needle is back on it again. 

I could write about the sad fact that Renee Geyer passed away. It's not been a great week for celebrity deaths., Lisa Marie Presley got me as she was only six months older than me. Renee Geyer was on the record player and on Countdown when I was a kid. If she was on Countdown, she had to be good. 

I could write about the fact that I've just started listening to Prince Harry's book, Spare. I've downloaded it, and will try to listen without judgement, knowing that once I've finished it, it will more than likely be returned to Audible for a credit. This is not something I do often, returning books I've listened to (or read). We will see. I was not going to listen to this, but I've been swayed. 

But I don't feel like writing. I have things to do tonight. 

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