Thursday, February 2, 2023

I need to write

 Actually, it's more a case of me having to uodate my CV after a phone call this afternoon. This isn't a hard task. Add in my current role, change a few dates, save it as a new file. Bob's your uncle. 

I am being prevented in doing this. 



He's taken up residence on my work chair. If I move, he goes back and sits on it. 

If I sit on this chair he sits next to me, occasionally clawing at me to for treats or to make a veiled threat to get off. It's amazing how cats seem to think that you live in their house. 

I should also get working on my list. 

To manifest a new role, what I do is write out my list by answering the following questions.

1. What do I like to do?

2. What am I good at?

3. What would I like to try?

4. What do I never want to do again?

5. What are my non-negotiables?

It's a trick with manifesting - you need to get it straight in your head what you are after. 

In the non-negotiables, that's where you write down the concrete things about your job - like salary expectations, company size, sectors, team size and make up, location, travel commitments, working from home expectations. 

So,  mine looks a bit like this. 

I won't mention my salary. I have that down on paper. 

I want to work in the city or the city fringes, preferably for a large company in the banking and finance, utilities or telecommunications industries. I will consider government roles, but my internalised bullshit meter may not make me a great fit (though I had a great interview last time I was looking). 

For the team structure, I like working with a mix of men and women. I'm not great working in a purely female environment. A few men in the team balances things out. 

I'd like to work at home at least two, preferably three days a week. I'm used to it now. 

I need to be pretty busy, but not so that I'm forever working overtime. 

I don't mind doing a bit of travel. 

Those sorts of things. 

Strangely, it really helps to have all of this straight in your head. 

And now, I think the cat wants his chair back. 

Today's song: 

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